hi all,

i've already posted a question abt this on the web-cyradm list; i'm hoping to broaden 
the exposure for some wisdom/insight from any other web-cyradm users lurking abt 

so, to the details --

for reference, i've installed the following on osx 10.3.5:

     mysql 4.1.7
     php 5.0.2
     apache 2.0.52

having followed Luc Delouw's "Postfix-Cyrus-Web-cyradm-HOWTO", i'm able to 
successfully login to web-cyradm, and create domains.

however, the 'next step' of clicking on any of the available 'accounts' links, whether or not having 
selected a domain (via, e.g., "Edit Domain") first results in a "PHP Notice":

      PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  action in /var/www/WebCyrAdm/index.php on line 111, 

unfortunately, this action also results in MySQL suddenly grabbing 100% cpu w/ no 
immediately obvious error fired off ... nothing in any logs i can find.

my only recovery is to kill/restart MySQL.

looking in index.php, one finds:

109:    # For password related stuff we also need to allow POST vars for some actions
111:    else if (in_array($_POST['action'], array('change_password', 'newaccount', 
'newadminuser', 'editadminuser'))){
112:    include sprintf('%s/%s.php', WC_BASE, $_POST['action']);

noting that this is the code's first $_POST instance ...

this recalled a familiar problem with the use of register_globals; but i thought the use 
of Superglobals via $_POST & $_GET was the SOLUTION ...

i also took a naive stab at turning register_globals on in php.ini -- no dice.

i've been spinnin' my wheels on this one. nothing i've found on the web *as yet* has 
solved the issue, and i'm a bit stymied as to why this apparently is working for 
others ...

thoughts? suggestions?



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