
Please be informed that GNU pies version 1.7 is available for
download.  See the end of this message for a list of noteworthy
changes in this release.

GNU pies is a program invocation and execution supervisor, a utility
that launches several programs and controls their execution.  The
programs can be started unconditionally or when a connection to a
particular network socket is requiested (inetd functionality).

Here are the compressed sources:
  https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/pies/pies-1.7.tar.gz   (1.7MB)
  https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/pies/pies-1.7.tar.bz2   (1.2MB)

Here are the GPG detached signatures[*]:

Use a mirror for higher download bandwidth:

Here are the SHA1 and SHA256 checksums:

8116c0aedddf652e072dde27c056fa4eb5725e7f  pies-1.7.tar.gz
b9GSR30HDMJYjwBTI4tDEfznwLFq4VbWPuhJQbuModM  pies-1.7.tar.gz
0b02e66e3f569a1fb95720e83499729897558884  pies-1.7.tar.bz2
YAwvMGGRsnpk9OyqoLpYPtTrIOjs6skAw6VY4wVUTCo  pies-1.7.tar.bz2

The SHA256 checksum is base64 encoded, instead of the
hexadecimal encoding that most checksum tools default to.

[*] Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the
.sig suffix) is intact.  First, be sure to download both the .sig file
and the corresponding tarball.  Then, run a command like this:

  gpg --verify pies-1.7.tar.gz.sig

If that command fails because you don't have the required public key,
then run this command to import it:

  gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 3602B07F55D0C732

and rerun the 'gpg --verify' command.

New in this release:

* Changes in configuration preprocessing

** Each included file is preprocessed separately.

The built-in preprocessor is removed.  The #include and #include_once
statements are now regular configuration statements.  Any files
included as a result of #include or #include_once are preprocessed
separately.  This differs from prior versions, were all includes were
expanded first, the obtained material passed to the m4 and the
resulting output was then parsed.

This means that:

1. The mess with two preprocessors (built-in and external) is now

2. Macros defined in a source file don't pollute the namespace of
another sources.

3. Error locations can be accurately determined.

4. Preprocessor can emit forceful diagnostics (see below) to properly
identify erroneous or otherwise suspicious constructs.

** The `pp-setup' file is gone.

By default, the preprocessor is started as `m4 -s -P' with additional
set of -I options and eventual -D or -U options if these are used in
the command line of pies.  Apart from this, no additional set up is

** The precedence of -I options is fixed

The -I options are placed in the m4 command line before the options
that configure the default search path.

* New forceful diagnostics statements

** #warning "TEXT"

Emits warning.

** #error "TEXT"

Emits error message.  Further parsing continues, but will end with

** #abend "TEXT"

Emits error message and stops further processing immediately.

If `#error' or `#abend' is encountered, the effect is the same
as if syntax error has been detected.  If it occurs at pies
startup, the program will terminate abnormally.  If it occurs as
part of the reload sequence in a running instance of pies, the
configuration file will be rejected and old configuration will remain
in effect.

Best regards,

If you have a working or partly working program that you'd like
to offer to the GNU project as a GNU package,
see https://www.gnu.org/help/evaluation.html.

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