Denemo 0.8.16 has been released.
Denemo is a program for inputting music notation.
The music being entered is displayed and can be typeset via LilyPond or
played via MIDI. With this version it is also possible to add a live
performance to the musical score.

0.8.16 Release Notes 

* Automatic page turning on playback. When playback reaches the 
last line in the display the page turns at the top so that you 
can read the music continuously 
* Recording MIDI: while playing a Denemo score you can record a 
new MIDI part, and then playback the combined performance. Save 
the combined performance as MIDI. Simple convert-to-notation. 
* Playback controls - set the start position to the cursor 
* Grace Notes - Now as On/Off command, correct display in Denemo 
and works with selections 

Known Issues: 
* Windows users: Direct Printing and Print Excerpt do not work, 
use Print Preview 
* Windows users who are upgrading: you should delete the folder 
called .denemo in your home folder (i.e. the place where 
Documents is) 
* Windows users with LilyPond installed separately: you may need 
to re-install LilyPond after installing Denemo if you wish to 
use it separately. 

As the previous release did not get properly announced - here are the
feaures for release 0.8.14

* Zoom for the Denemo display 
* Mulit-line display of music. 
* MIDI player controls 
o Independent playhead 
o Loop control - edit your music while it loops. 
o Master Tempo command 
o Master Volume command 
o Control the play interval, set to selection etc 
* Typical Midi Control Changes (Program Change, Hold Pedals etc.) 
o A Generic Control Change directive for any Midi CC Message. 
* Convert GM Drum Staffs to users' drum notation. The mapping can be
edited visually by using a normal .denemo template. 
* Apply To Selection for script authors 
o Upgrade of some scripts to work with selections. 
o New user preference that turns "Apply to Selection" on/off 
* New cursor movement commands: Standard shortcuts now don't alter the
o Conventional mouse + keyboard selection (shift+left/right), in
multiple staffs at once 
* Improvements to MIDI import. 
* Hide certain menus / toolbars. 

Richard Shann

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