David Kritzberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello comp.emacs Folks,
> Many readers of this group may be free of Windows, but unfortunately I
> am not.  Someone might recommend that I get into Cygwin rather than
> putty, which I would consider, but I am hoping someone might have a
> helpful answer to my immediate problem:
> I run a pc with Fedora Core 4, and from my laptop (thinkpad) I use
> putty on Windows XP to get a terminal session.  This is how I do a lot
> of my work.  For the most part, this is great.  But there are
> situations in which I start to have a messy screen.  This happens
> fairly regularly when I use GNU Emacs and run gnus.  It may have
> something to do with long threads with long subject lines.  I find I
> have to maximize and then un-maximize the putty window to clean up the
> screen, but in that case the top and bottom lines of the terminal
> screen are still displayed "incorrectly" -- messily.  
> Can anyone point me in the right direction for solving this problem?
> What are the likely parameters that should be changed?  Is it the
> terminal settings at the CLI level on the server side, or is it
> something I can fix in gnus (in .emacs) or is it likely to be coming
> from some known issue with FC4, or is it possibly related to the
> settings I am using in putty?  
> If this helps, I found that playing Nethack -- I mean, sitting at a
> Windows laptop, running putty, logging into my FC4 machine, and
> starting and playing Nethack from there -- I got an unreadable
> screen.  Characters were placed incorrectly and I could not follow the
> movement of my pet or my character, or even tell exactly where I was
> standing.  I was using a text based setup that had been working
> earlier, but under an earlier Fedora release, and a slightly earlier
> version of Nethack...
> Thanks,
> Dave
> -- 
> _______________________________________
> Dave Kritzberg
> david dot kritzberg at colorado dot edu

Maybe it would help if I show what I see on my screen:


I posted two screen captures there.


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