Eric Abrahamsen <> writes:

> (Adam Sjøgren) writes:
>> Christoph writes:
>>> The bug occurs when I send an email message with an attachment that is a
>>> Python source file.  Lines in that file that begin with "from" (or
>>> perhaps just the first such line), get capitalized, as if they were a
>>> SMTP header.  For an example see the message [1] that I've just sent to
>>> a mailing list.
>> Are you sure Gnus is the program mangling it? It is mangled in your
>> sent-folder?
>> I just tried emailing myself an attachment and "from" was untouched -
>> both in the copy in the sent-folder and the one I received through my
>> local Postfix. (I tried both with disposition=attachment and inline,
>> same result).
> FWIW, I tried it, and the "from" was capitalized in both the received
> and sent version.

Bah, now I can't reproduce it. I have no idea what's going on...

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