Teemu Likonen <tliko...@iki.fi> writes:

> Loris Bennett [2017-06-26 08:07:23+02] wrote:
>> What's the easiest way to display the total size, i.e. including
>> attachments, of a mail or posting?
> In summary buffer the raw message content can be piped to external
> command with "|" key. So "| wc" counts lines and bytes. The raw message
> content can be displayed with "C-u g". Then on that buffer "M-x
> count-words" count lines, words and characters.
> With custom Emacs Lisp code these function are likely useful:
>     (gnus-summary-show-raw-article)
>     (get-buffer gnus-article-buffer)

Piping to 'wc' seems be what nearly what I need.

However, if I display the raw message and do 'wc -c' I get a smaller
value than if I don't display the raw message, move the cursor to the
attachment, display it inline and then do 'wc -c'.  In this latter case
I get the real size of the attachment as given if I save it separately.

Is this the expected behaviour?



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