Hi all,

GNU Stow 2.1.3 is now available for download from


and also from the mirrors[1] as soon as they catch up.

Stow is a tool for managing the installation of multiple software
packages to a shared run-time directory tree (e.g. /usr/local) via
symlinks, whilst keeping the files from each package separate.  Whilst
it has often been used to manage system-wide software installations,
it also provides a clean mechanism for managing software and
configuration files in users' home directories[2].  More information
is available at the homepage:


Below are the headline changes since 2.1.2 (see the ChangeLog for full

* Changes in version 2.1.3

** New --adopt / -a option

   This allows plain files in the target to be "adopted" into the
   package being stowed.  See the manual has more details.

** ./configure now checks for Perl modules required by the test suite.

Happy hacking,

[1] You can see a list of mirrors at <http://www.gnu.org/order/ftp.html>
   or use <http://ftpmirror.gnu.org/stow/> which will automatically
   redirect to a nearby mirror.

[2] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/info-stow/2011-12/msg00000.html

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