[As some people asked me for the slides, below you will find a link for the
slides of our IO presentation. WEN]

Strategic Thought in Virtual Deterrence and Real Offense: The Computer's Role,
by Wanja Eric Naef and Sam Nitzberg, was presented at H2K2 in New York City.

Computers are pivotal components in modern society: daily life, banking, and
military. What must be considered and what risks do we all face when they are
used in conflict? These concerns are societal in nature and apply to both
"minor" and "major" groups, governments, and militaries. There will be
opportunity for ample questions from the audience. The intention is to share the
overall attendee perspective. The goal is to be thought provoking, not

H2K2 Slides [MS PowerPoint, 2.6 MB]




Wanja Eric Naef
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