The Pirate Bay: Here to Stay?,70358-0.html

By Ann Harrison 
02:00 AM Mar, 13, 2006 EST

Last month, the Motion Picture Association of America announced one of its
boldest sorties yet against online piracy: a barrage of seven federal
lawsuits against some of the highest-profile BitTorrent sites, Usenet hosts
and peer-to-peer services. Among the targets: isoHunt, TorrentSpy and

But, as always, one prominent site is missing from the movie industry's
announcement (.pdf), and it happens to be the simplest and best-known source
of traded movies -- along with pirated video games, music, software, audio
books, television broadcasts and nearly any other form of media imaginable.
The site is called The Pirate Bay, and it's operated by a crew of intrepid
Swedes who revel in tormenting the content industries.

"All of us who run the TPB are against the copyright laws and want them to
change," said "Brokep," a Pirate Bay operator. "We see it as our duty to
spread culture and media. Technology is just a means to doing that."

A quick look at The Pirate Bay's lineup suggests which side is winning the
piracy wars. Among the site's most popular downloads are recent Oscar
nominees and winners like Closer and Brokeback Mountain, Steven Spielberg's
Munich, the latest Harry Potter film and even stinkers like Underworld:
Evolution and The Pink Panther. Downloading doesn't require users to
register or install spyware -- if one has a BitTorrent client installed,
anything listed is just a click away.

To international observers, The Pirate Bay's defiant immunity from copyright
lawyers is somewhat baffling. But in Sweden, the site is more than just an
electronic speak-easy: It's the flagship of a national file-sharing movement
that's generating an intense national debate, and has even spawned a
pro-piracy political party making a credible bid for seats in the Swedish

Founded in 2003 by a loosely knit crew of file-sharing advocates called
Piratbyrån, or Pirate Bureau, The Pirate Bay began life as a
Swedish-language site occupying a second tier among popular torrent
trackers. Then the MPAA's groundbreaking 2004 crackdown on torrent hubs
changed everything. As famous sites like SuprNova and LokiTorrent went
under, their users crowded onto the surviving hubs like pelicans on a reef.
When the storm passed, The Pirate Bay remained.

According to "Anakata," one of the site's operators, subsequent MPAA
lawsuits have continued to drive more users to The Pirate Bay, which today
boasts 1 million unique visitors a day. The Pirate Bay's legal adviser, law
student Mikael Viborg, said the site receives 1,000 to 2,000 HTTP requests
per second on each of its four servers.

That's bad news for the content industries, which have fired off letter
after menacing letter to the site, only to see their threats posted on The
Pirate Bay, together with mocking replies. Viborg said that no one has
successfully indicted The Pirate Bay or sued its operators in Swedish
courts. Attorneys for DreamWorks and Warner Bros., two companies among those
that have issued take-down demands to the site, did not return calls for

Viborg credits The Pirate Bay's seeming immunity to the basic structure of
the BitTorrent protocol. The site's Stockholm-based servers provide only
torrent files, which by themselves contain no copyright data -- merely
pointers to sources of the content. That makes The Pirate Bay's activities
perfectly legal under Swedish statutory and case law, Viborg claims. "Until
the law is changed so that it is clear that the trackers are illegal, or
until the Swedish Supreme Court rules that current Swedish copyright law
actually outlaws trackers, we'll continue our activities. Relentlessly,"
wrote Viborg in an e-mail.

MPAA spokeswoman Kori Bernards insists The Pirate Bay violates copyright
laws around the world. "Copyright laws are being enforced and upheld in
countries all over the world and when you facilitate the illegal file
swapping of millions of people around the world, you are subject to those
laws," said Bernards. "The torrent and torrent tracker is something that
points people to various files that make up a copyright that is protected
under the law."

That legal claim is untested in the United States, according to Fred von
Lohmann, senior staff attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

In Sweden, the legality of the trackers is a topic of considered debate.
Next: Behind the Bay, an embedded culture of copying.

Magnus Martensson, a legal adviser for the Swedish branch of the
International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, or IFPI, insists that
The Pirate Bay does infringe on Sweden's copyright law, or at least
qualifies as contributory infringement. "Pirate Bay has been on our radar
screen for a couple of years and it is a great concern for our member record
companies that we take some action," said Martensson. "The activity carried
out by The Pirate Bay is damaging the record labels' business."

But that argument isn't finding the most fertile ground among Sweden's wired
citizenry. According to Martensson, polls indicate that more than 10 percent
of Sweden's 9 million people participated in file sharing in the last
quarter of 2005. He said file sharing is widespread in Sweden because almost
every household owns a computer and can get a cheap 100-Mbps broadband fiber
connection from their ISP for 70 euros a month. "My guess is that Sweden is
one of the worst places in the world when it comes to illegal sharing," said

Until recently, downloading copyright material for personal use wasn't even
illegal in the country. Bowing to international pressure, the Swedish
government finally changed that last July, implementing the EU Copyright
Directive, which outlaws the copying, distribution, uploading and
downloading of copyright material without the copyright holder's permission.

A month before the law went into effect, The Pirate Bay -- now officially
independent of Piratbyrån -- registered its opinion of the measure by
launching an improved version of the site. Among other enhancements, the
website now supports 25 languages, and offers a breakdown of the top 100
torrents, selectable by content category.

"The relaunch of the site was at first needed for withstanding the huge
amount of traffic, but we decided to launch it when we did to make a
political statement as well," said Brokep.

While The Pirate Bay is raising the Jolly Roger, the group that founded it
is embracing grass-roots activism and political legitimacy. Piratbyrån today
has 57,000 registered members committed to its belief that file trading is a
means of sharing culture and making new art.

So influential is Piratbyrån that Sweden's leading anti-piracy organization
defines itself by its opposition to the group. The MPAA-funded Svenska
Antipiratbyrån uses its own software to keep logs and track IP address of
suspected file sharers. Together with other copyright organizations, it has
sent more than 400,000 letters to Swedish ISPs protesting their users'
alleged file-sharing activities.

"We don't want to stop the exchange of culture, we are just saying that the
creators have to be paid," said Henrik Pontén, an attorney for
Antipiratbyrån. "It is the copyright laws that pay for new games and

Last spring, Antipiratbyrån's tactics inspired some 4,000 Swedes to complain
through e-mail to the Swedish Data Inspection Board that the group's IP
tracking violated data-privacy laws. The board granted Antipiratbyrån a
temporary exemption to continue the practice. Pontén said a final decision
about whether an IP address is private data is still pending.

Antipiratbyrån said it helped provide evidence against two Swedes who were
recently fined $2,000 for trading copyright files, in a case that made
national news in Sweden. According to Viborg, the only proof in the case was
screen dumps submitted by Antipiratbyrån, which he said could be easily
manipulated. Pontén said the courts looked at the evidence in the case and
found that the screen dumps hadn't been tampered with, adding that
Antipiratbyrån had no motivation to do so.

Piratbyrån protested the screen-dump convictions by creating The Evidence
Machine -- software that lets users produce fake evidence of file sharing
against anyone by inserting an IP address and file name.
Next: Vote Pirate!

Antipiratbyrån set off another firestorm when it convinced local police to
raid Swedish ISP Bahnhof last year and confiscate four servers containing 23
terabytes of copyright material. A group called The Angry Young Hackers
retaliated by hacking the Antipiratbyrån website and mail system, unearthing
e-mails, log files and chat messages suggesting that Bahnhof had been
infiltrated by anti-piracy operatives. "Swedes were just laughing and
shaking their heads," said Bahnhof founder Oscar Swartz.

Charges were dropped when Bahnhof accused Antipiratbyrån of uploading the
files itself.

"It has in many ways been obvious to the public that the anti-piracy lobby
is also operating in their own, very doubtful, legal gray zone," said
Piratbyrån member Rasmus Fleischer. "They are dependent on the existence of
police officers willing to give priority to the hunting of file sharers over
real criminality."

Pontén denied that Antipiratbyrån broke any laws. He said the group's aim in
the investigation was to stop a pirate group from uploading material to the
Bahnhof server. "The Pirate Bay is at the bottom of the piracy world," said
Pontén. "We haven't focused so much on them because if you can stop the
sources of piracy, the copyrighted material won't come to The Pirate Bay."

According to Pontén, some hard-core pirates resent The Pirate Bay and have
offered to help Antipiratbyrån because they want to keep the movies within
their own small group. Moreover, Pontén is convinced that Sweden itself is
on the verge of a sea change that will capsize sites like The Pirate Bay. "I
think it is more and more accepted in Sweden that we have copyright laws on
the internet and in the real world," he said.

Antipiratbyrån's efforts to halt file sharing have prompted Sweden's
outspoken pirates to run for office as the Pirate Party. Party spokesman
Mika Sjöman said pirates are alarmed by both the IP tracking and Sweden's
newly expanded surveillance and wiretapping laws.

"People are getting scared," said Sjöman. "The two issues are really
connected because copyright organizations are telling the government you
have to invade the right to privacy if you want to defend copyright. That's
really destructive for democracy because when you make lists of people that
will be the end of privacy."

It may sound like a joke, but Sjöman said the Pirate Party has 1,500
members, and has gathered enough signatures to participate in the Swedish
general election in September. He said the government estimates that there
are 1.2 million file sharers over the age of 18 in Sweden, and the Pirate
Party needs only four percent, 225,000 votes, to get seats in the country's
parliament. According to Sjöman, the success of The Pirate Bay illustrates
just how embedded file sharing has become in Swedish culture.

"File sharing is the library of today and they want to take that away from
us and make us start paying for every single thing that we go to the model
library to get," said Sjöman. "People have gotten used to that library and
if they take the applications away from us they will take away the basic
tools that people think are normal."

If elected, the Pirate Party promises to strengthen Swedish privacy
protections, weaken copyright laws, abolish the EU Data Retention Directive
and roll back government surveillance legislation, said Sjöman. The party
plans to hold its first convention in April, aboard a pirate ship.

"We are the new movement for this century," said Sjöman. "We have these
views that copyright is hurting the economy and our right to be citizens and
express yourself and get information."

Notwithstanding the debate in Sweden, Bernards said the MPAA still believes
that those who use and operate The Pirate Bay are simply thieves. "Like any
other business, we aim to protect our product, and aiming at some of the
larger offenders like The Pirate Bay is a goal," said Bernards. "We will
continue to pursue cutting off the head of piracy and at the same time
educating people about the consequences of piracy and getting involved."

"We're also into educating people about the consequences of piracy," Pirate
Bay operator Brokep shot back in an e-mail. "We're teaching them how to do

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