Aging computers hobble Homeland Security

By Declan McCullagh

Story last modified Thu Dec 15 04:00:00 PST 2005

Thousands of airline passengers unexpectedly found themselves stranded in
line at U.S. border checkpoints in August, after a Department of Homeland
Security computer crashed.

At Miami International, some 4,500 frustrated travelers waited in cramped
conditions. Airport staff handed out bottles of water and coloring books
with crayons for children during the wait for the computer, which checks
identities, to come back up.

"This incident was extraordinary," said Greg Chin, an airport spokesman. "In
other cases when the computers have been down, it has only been for less
than half an hour."

The crash shuttered the government's main immigration database in Virginia,
affecting scores of border entry points. The shutdown highlights the
computer problems that the Homeland Security Department is grappling with,
as it struggles to reshuffle myriad functions once performed by the
now-defunct Immigration and Naturalization Service.

It has been a daunting task. Aging, incompatible systems and outdated
processes have contributed to a backlog of approximately 1 million people
waiting for a decision from the department's Citizenship and Immigration
Services bureau. Computer problems at its Immigration and Customs
Enforcement bureau caused a snafu in which student visa holders were jailed
overnight or barred from entering the United States.

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services's systems have come in for
particular criticism from outside analysts and government auditors, who say
these are simply not up to the task of serving the public, especially when
coupled with a continuing reliance on paper forms. In some cases, for
instance, information typed into one computer must be manually retyped into
a second or third.

"All filings are paper-based, which means that everything you submit has to
be keyed into the computer, which of course opens up the additional
possibility of error, slows the process down and prevents some processes
from being automated," said Crystal Williams, deputy director for programs
at the American Immigration Lawyers Association.
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The USCIS bureau has spent $280 million over the last two years as part of
its "backlog initiative" to reduce the number of outstanding cases, but most
of that has gone to hire temporary employees. Less than two percent, or $4.5
million, was devoted to computer upgrades. (The Department of Homeland
Security's overall budget is $30.8 billion for fiscal year 2006.)

One problem is that applications for different types of immigration status
are saved in separate records. These aren't interlinked, which means an
application for a H1-B visa is not tied to the same person's application for
a green card--causing more paperwork and delays, until the two records can
be matched by hand.

Other procedures are equally inefficient. "Heaven forbid if an attorney
should change their address," Williams said. "They have to send a change of
address for every separate case they've got pending. (Once) I had between
500 and 1,000 cases pending at one time."

Data stumbling blocks
The holdups can be attributed in part to the Homeland Security Department's
antiquated computer systems. The agency's mainframes do not share data and
are accessible only by some offices. An upgrade to Microsoft's Windows 2000
operating system failed because of application incompatibilities, which
meant one division had to undertake a cumbersome reversion back to Windows

In the case of the immigration bureau, there has never been a centralized
electronic method for managing the more than 7 million applications that
stream each year into 250 USCIS offices scattered across the country and
Homeland Security immigration cases

Instead, the bureau's outposts rely on about a dozen different systems
designed to enter, store and track more than 50 types of forms that cover
everything from citizenship applications to student and worker visas and

Not one of the systems can talk with another, according to government
reports, and not all offices are equipped to log into the systems they need
to update records.

Even the bureau's two primary case-management systems, called CLAIMS 3 and
CLAIMS 4, are accessible only to certain staff at certain offices. These
rely on proprietary software developed by a string of contractors in the
early 1990s, "do not share data, and are extremely expensive to modify," the
ombudsman concluded. (CLAIMS stands for Computer Linked Application
Information Management System.)

CLAIMS 3, for instance, runs on both client-server and mainframe platforms,
and USCIS service centers across the country independently use six different
versions of the system. On a nightly basis, employees upload the information
they've entered that day into a central CLAIMS 3 mainframe--which
essentially means that changes to files aren't available until the next day.

All that suggests that a real dent in the USCIS backlog--which peaked at 3.8
million cases in January 2004 and has now settled at around 1 million--is
unlikely to occur until the immigration bureau overhauls its geographically
dispersed, often incompatible case-management processes.

"Despite repeated assessments and attempts to modernize, USCIS' processing
of immigration benefits continues to be inefficient, hindering its ability
to effectively carry out its mission," concluded a 56-page report (click for
PDF) released this fall by the office of Homeland Security Inspector General
Richard Skinner, who is responsible for investigating the department's 22
umbrella agencies.

A decade has elapsed since the last bureauwide upgrade of IT equipment. Some
offices have adopted the practice of performing haphazard changes when
budget money is left over, Skinner said, leading to a confusing patchwork of
hardware and software across the bureau.

In his most recent annual report to Congress, Prakash Khatri, the
immigration bureau's ombudsman, warned the Homeland Security Department's
outdated technological infrastructure meant that "customer service is
compromised." Khatri acts as a representative for people who have
encountered problems.

The agency acknowledges that its computer systems remain a daunting
obstacle. "The state of USCIS' current systems prevents it from implementing
key initiatives, and has only allowed for incremental change," Tarrazzia
Martin, the chief information officer for U.S. Customs and Immigration
(USCIS), wrote in an e-mail interview with CNET

Inefficiencies yield delays, frustrations
Oleg Baklenov knows firsthand how paperwork delays by the USCIS can roil a
technology worker's family life.

Baklenov, a 34-year-old Russian electrical engineer who came to the U.S. 11
years ago to earn his doctoral degree, currently has a visa that permits him
to work for a company in Greensboro, N.C.

Three years ago, he applied for what's commonly known as a green card, a
form of immigration status that would permit him to become a permanent
resident and seek citizenship. But a technical difficulty in submitting his
name to the FBI for a mandatory criminal background check has delayed the
process, he said.

People with worker visas have to file extra paperwork--which can take
several months to process--to leave and re-enter the United States.
Confident that his green-card application would be processed, Baklenov
decided not to undertake the task of submitting those additional forms.

But now his ailing grandmother has been admitted to a Czech hospital, and
the unexpected delay has effectively barred Baklenov from leaving the
country to visit her. "The system will be more efficient if one computer
system can communicate with different agencies and request all the checks
that they need," said Baklenov, who is representing himself in a federal
lawsuit filed in North Carolina, but is hoping for an out-of-court

William Strassberger, a USCIS spokesperson, said he's not sure what caused
Baklenov's problems and said the agency was still waiting for the security
check. "If he wanted to make a request for advance parole for emergency
medical reasons on behalf of his grandmother, it should be possible to do,"
Strassberger said. "Usually, we recommend submitting an application four
weeks ahead of time, but if it's a situation where it requires urgent
travel, it's possible to do that."

Barriers to progress
The situation is complicated by the ripple effects of the federal law
creating the Department of Homeland Security, signed by President Bush in
2002, which carved the former Immigration and Naturalization Service into
three slices.

Border patrol and customs agents formed the new U.S. Customs and Border
Protection unit, while the bureaucracy for processing immigration-related
requests was renamed U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The
similarly named U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement division now
includes former INS "detention and removal" agents, federal air marshals and
the Federal Protective Service.

Michael Garcia, an assistant secretary at the Department of Homeland
Security, has likened the integration process to "trying to change the
engine in an airplane in mid-flight." In testimony to the Senate in March,
Garcia said: "We have had to build a new agency almost from the ground
up--bringing together divisions from four separate agencies into a single
functioning unit, and melding the cultures and missions of various units
into a unified whole."

Large, distributed government systems are too often victims of poor
planning, said Peter Neumann, a principal scientist in the computer science
lab at SRI International, a not-for-profit research institute.

"What is needed is a set of requirements that really makes sense in the
first place and an architecture that is capable of satisfying those
requirements--a very serious software engineering discipline to ensure a
system is not only going to meet those requirements but be evolvable over
time," said Neumann, who has served on technical advisory committees for the
IRS and the Government Accountability Office.

Referring to the August crash that left travelers waiting in line, Homeland
Security Department spokesman Jarrod Agen said that some problems are
inevitable. "They have computer glitches from time to time due to the
complexity of the system, and they're not a frequent thing, but they do
happen on occasion, and that was one instance of it." Agen said that
contrary to some initial reports, there was no evidence it was caused by a

Plans for change
The USCIS didn't set up its own centralized information technology office
until March 2004, a year after Homeland Security was formed. It now says it
has a multiyear "IT Transformation Strategy"--but officials have refused to
disclose the cost or the anticipated timetable.

Nor is a single document publicly available. Instead, the plans are
scattered around in multiple documents, such as a "mission needs" statement,
presentations, white papers, and so on, spokesperson Strassberger said. The
bureau is currently in the process of awarding contracts and cannot discuss
the details, he said.

Some attempts at modernization have been made. It's now possible, for
instance, for immigration applicants to file nine types of forms
electronically and to check their status online. But because the e-filing
system can't talk to any of the existing case management systems that
employees use, those employees must manually retype those forms into the
appropriate database.

In November, the department completed a "refresh" of workstations in its
California service center, installing more than 1,200 new workstations,
printers and monitors, and "modernizing and standardizing" its network,
according to a December bureau newsletter. Similar updates are scheduled for
several more offices in 2006.

Robert Divine, the bureau's acting deputy director, said the organization is
committed to making the fixes, but it can't do so without a big budget

Because most of the bureau's revenue comes from application fees, not from
the federal government's pockets, "the type of significant, up-front funding
that will be required for fully modernizing information technology is not
clearly within USCIS' means," Divine said in a September letter to the
Department of Homeland Security's assistant inspector general for
information technology.

Problems have also plagued computers used by the U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement bureau. Since 2003, schools and student-exchange
programs have been required to use a Internet-based tool known as the
Foreign Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) to store and
track personal information about foreign students before, during and after
their stay in the United States.

University administrators testifying before a congressional committee have
complained that SEVIS frequently lost data, could not handle large batches
of information submitted at once, did not provide real-time access to
records. The system would sometimes result in documents--many of a
confidential nature--inexplicably being printed out on computers at
completely different schools.

In its most recent evaluation of SEVIS, published in March, the Government
Accountability Office acknowledged that the system is now receiving fewer
gripes from educational organizations. GAO said that's partly due to better
help desk staffing and training, and new software releases. However, ICE has
not resolved all of the system's glitches, it said.

Meanwhile, immigrants like Baklenov continue to wait for results. "We're
trying to do as much as we could thru the phone and through talking to our
friends in the Czech Republic and asking them to help," he said, referring
to his grandmother. "She's still in the hospital and we're trying to do the
best for her--from overseas, unfortunately."

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