Uber Breach Exposed Names, Emails of More Than 20 Million Users

Todd Shields
April 12, 2018, 12:54 PM EDT

A data breach exposed the names, phone numbers and email addresses of more than 
20 million users of the Uber Technologies Inc. online ride-hailing service, 
federal authorities said, as they chastised the ride-sharing company for not 
revealing the lapse earlier.

The Federal Trade Commission said Uber failed to disclose the leak, which 
occurred in 2016, even as the agency investigated and sanctioned the company in 
2017 for a similar data breach that happened in 2014.

“After misleading consumers about its privacy and security practices, Uber 
compounded its misconduct,” said Acting FTC Chairman Maureen Ohlhausen. She 
announced an expansion of last year’s settlement with the company and said the 
new agreement was “designed to ensure that Uber does not engage in similar 
misconduct in the future.”

In the latest breach, intruders to a data-storage service run by Amazon.com 
Inc. obtained unencrypted consumer personal information relating to U.S. riders 
and drivers, including 25.6 million names and email addresses, 22.1 million 
names and mobile phone numbers, and 607,000 names and driver’s license numbers, 
the FTC said in a complaint.

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