Top Trump security adviser Tom Bossert resigning

By Jordan Fabian - 04/10/18 10:25 AM EDT

President Trump’s top homeland security aide, Tom Bossert, is resigning, the 
latest in a long line of staffers to exit the West Wing.

"The president is grateful for Tom's commitment to the safety and security of 
our great country,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in 
a statement.

“President Trump thanks him for his patriotic service and wishes him well,” she 

Bossert has served in the White House since Trump’s inauguration and played a 
key role in responding to cyber threats and last year’s hurricanes that 
devastated Texas, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen praised Bossert for providing 
“wise counsel” to Trump on a “range of current and emerging threats to our 

His departure comes one day after John Bolton took over as national security 
adviser, a move that was expected to cause turnover on Trump’s security team. 
The 43-year-old aide is close to chief of staff John Kelly and Bolton’s 
predecessor, H.R. McMaster.

National Security Council spokesman Michael Anton announced his resignation two 
days before Bossert quit.

A veteran of the George W. Bush administration, Bossert was one of the few 
Trump aides to have previous White House experience.

Trump turned to Bossert in times of crisis, dispatching him to the White House 
briefing room and Sunday political talk shows to detail the administration’s 
relief efforts during last summer’s storms.

He also took the lectern at the White House to announce the U.S. had blamed 
North Korea for the massive “WannaCry” cyberattack that affected hundreds of 
thousands of computer across the world.

The timing of Bossert’s exit appeared abrupt.

He appeared on ABC News’s “This Week” on Sunday to speak about the 
administration’s response to the chemical weapons attack in Syria.

Bossert was also a keynote speaker Sunday night at a conference of national 
security experts in Sea Island, Ga.

His departure continues the wave of staff turnover that has rocked the Trump 

Just last month, McMaster, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, economic adviser 
Gary Cohn, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and Veterans Affairs Secretary 
David Shulkin were fired or tendered their resignations.

Top-level staff turnover at the White House has reached 49 percent, according 
to data compiled by Brookings Institution scholar Kathryn Dunn Tenpas, a number 
that has not been reached at this point in a presidency in decades.

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