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Dimecres de la setmana vinent, 12 de gener, es farà la xerrada «Linguistic
complexity in Catalan migration contexts: Catalans in New York, and Muslims
in Catalonia», a càrrec d’ Eva Juarros Daussà i Tilman Lanz (University at
Buffalo, The State University of New York).

L'acte, organitzat pel CUSC, tindrà lloc a la Sala de Professors (5a planta
de l'edifici Josep Carner de la Facultat de Filologia, UB), a les 16.00

Tot seguit podeu llegir-ne un resum:

Catalan aspirations for independence and autonomy are traditionally and
still today largely funneled through the expression of a distinct desire, on
the part of many Catalans, to speak their own language as opposed to
Castillian. In this context, Catalonia has, over the past three decades,
become one of the very few, if not the outstanding, example for a successful
language revitalization process. In this paper, we critically examine the
contemporary linguistic antagonism between Catalan and Castillian. Based on
results from our empirical work in New York (Juarros Daussà) and Barcelona
(Lanz), we give two examples to show how complex the language revitalization
process in Catalonia has become today. The work of Juarros Daussà among
Catalan emigrants in New York examines how the revitalization efforts in
Catalonia impact a population that has been removed from the influence of
such efforts for substantial amounts of time. Lanz’ research among Muslim
immigrants in Barcelona is able to also document the significantly increased
complexity of the linguistic issues at hand through his work on the recent
phenomenon of immigration to Catalonia. We suggest that, as a result of
processes of diversification and increased complexity of the linguistic
issues surrounding the case of Catalan, alternative measures have to be
taken to ensure the continued survival of the language as a viable means of
communication among the people in Catalonia (Catalans and immigrants alike)
as well as the growing Catalan populations abroad.

Font: Observatori CUSC- Centre Universitari de Sociolingüística i

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[Enllaç recomanat]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Per distribuir informació, escriviu a un dels editors:

Ferran Isabel (País Valencià) <ferran.isa...@ua.es>
Magdalena Ramon (Illes Balears) <slg...@uib.es>
Xavier Rull (Catalunya) <xavier.r...@urv.cat>
Marta Torres (Catalunya) <marta.torres.vilatars...@gmail.com>

Responsable tècnic (coordinador de la llista):
Joan Vilarnau <jvilar...@llengcat.com>

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