On 07/01/2013 07:58 AM, Dave Neary wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not saying we're the same as OpenStack, but we do have almost as
> much infrastructure as they do. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned
> from how they went about bringing some order to their infrastructure
> efforts recently?

Meaning, ask Board members to bring in some people?

I've been asking for that since day-one. Perhaps someone else can try
beating on that drum.

- Karsten

> Cheers,
> Dave.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [OpenStack Foundation] Infra Bootcamp was a great success
> Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 13:36:00 -0400
> From: Monty Taylor <mord...@inaugust.com>
> To: foundat...@lists.openstack.org <foundat...@lists.openstack.org>
> Hey all!
> I just wanted to write a quick note (I believe others are working on
> more detailed blog posts and whatnot) about this past week's OpenStack
> Infrastructure Bootcamp.
> For those not following along at home, several weeks ago I put out a
> call to the foundation board saying that we needed more people to pony
> up human resources to help with the running of the OpenStack Developer
> Infrastructure. The response back was extremely supportive and positive,
> but the it quickly became apparent to us that we'd never be able to get
> a flood of new folks up to speed if they all just started showing up in
> IRC (we learned over the bootcamp that the architecture diagram for the
> infra systems is about as complex as OpenStack itself) So we decided to
> hold a 2 day bootcamp to bring all the new folks into a room and
> braindump to them.
> We wound up with 20 people in a Soho Loft in NYC. We had all of the
> current core members, people who are active and full time on Infra but
> not yet core like pleia2 and zaro, people who are active across
> OpenStack including infra like sdague, dhellman and mtrenish, and then a
> bunch of people with essentially no interaction with what we do to date.
> If memory serves we had new folks from Dell, Cisco, Citrix, Mirantis,
> vmware and HP, as well as existing folks from IBM, HP, Dreamhost and the
> OpenStack Foundation.
> One of the more interesting things that we did was develop a total
> architecture diagram on some giant sticky notes with pens. Notes have
> been taken of it and we're going to make a digital version soon - as I
> think it was quite enlightening for many people.
> I wanted to thank the companies involved for sending people to an
> intensive bootcamp - I'm quite optimistic about the outcome we will have
> gotten for that.
> I'd also like to thank HP and the OpenStack Foundation for funding the
> event - it turns out Soho Lofts and New York restaurants where 20 people
> can eat at the same time don't grow on trees.
> Finally - I'd like to tip my hat to Lauren and Claire for all of their
> work on the OpenStack Summit. Arranging a 2-day 20 person event was a
> lot of work, and I forced everyone to come to a place that was walking
> distance from my apartment - I cannot begin to imagine all of the work
> they must have to do to ensure that 5000 of us can plan OpenStack every
> six months in various places around the world.
> Thanks everybody!
> Monty
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Karsten 'quaid' Wade
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