
Minutes (text):


#ovirt: oVirt Infra Weekly

Meeting started by quaid at 15:03:22 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-03-04-15.03.log.html .

Meeting summary
* Roll call & agenda  (quaid, 15:03:29)

* Introductions  (quaid, 15:07:46)

* Puppet  (quaid, 15:11:12)
  * update to latest Foreman is in progress  (quaid, 15:14:10)
  * Working up Puppet system in pieces, not waiting for perfect
    end-state, but we will have various useful services running as VMs
    at Alter Way  (quaid, 15:15:37)
  * LINK:
    http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/infra/2013-February/002157.html &
    (ewoud, 15:19:18)
  * LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Infrastructure_Puppet_details   (quaid,
  * LINK: http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/new_hosting_design_Jan_2013
    (eedri_, 15:23:08)

* Hosting  (quaid, 15:27:24)
  * quaid now has the base details he needs to be able to install on the
    RackSpace hosts  (quaid, 15:27:46)
  * quaid still working on RHEL entitlements for those hosts  (quaid,
  * hopeful for later this same week for being able to install, still
    learning the RackSpace how-to do stuff  (quaid, 15:28:18)
  * ACTION: moving discussion to list to finish  (quaid, 15:52:57)

* Jenkins  (quaid, 15:53:03)
  * Jenkins has migrated to Alter Way  (quaid, 15:54:31)
  * jenkins.ovirt.org now redirecting to alterway01.ovirt.org  (quaid,
  * once satisified, we can change DNS  (quaid, 15:54:53)
  * ACTION: quaid to schedule DNS change with eedri_  (quaid, 15:55:02)
  * openid plugin is enabled (yay)  (quaid, 15:55:19)
  * ACTION: quaid to install F18 + oVirt all-in-one on rackspace01 by
    Thursday 7 March  (quaid, 16:07:29)
  * ACTION: all to read and possibly reply to open ML thread on Puppet
    (quaid, 16:18:04)
  * ACTION: quaid to add new member discussion to ongoing agenda
    (quaid, 16:21:37)
  * ACTION: quaid to make some progress on documentation and such around
    new members by next week  (quaid, 16:21:49)

Meeting ended at 16:23:43 UTC.

Action Items
* moving discussion to list to finish
* quaid to schedule DNS change with eedri_
* quaid to install F18 + oVirt all-in-one on rackspace01 by Thursday 7
* all to read and possibly reply to open ML thread on Puppet
* quaid to add new member discussion to ongoing agenda
* quaid to make some progress on documentation and such around new
  members by next week

Action Items, by person
* eedri_
  * quaid to schedule DNS change with eedri_
* quaid
  * quaid to schedule DNS change with eedri_
  * quaid to install F18 + oVirt all-in-one on rackspace01 by Thursday 7
  * quaid to add new member discussion to ongoing agenda
  * quaid to make some progress on documentation and such around new
    members by next week
  * moving discussion to list to finish
  * all to read and possibly reply to open ML thread on Puppet

People Present (lines said)
* quaid (108)
* eedri_ (99)
* ewoud (53)
* ovirtbot (19)
* Rydekull (15)
* ohadlevy (4)
* dneary (2)
* obasan (2)
* dyasny (1)
* theron (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot

Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth
http://TheOpenSourceWay.org  .^\  http://community.redhat.com
@quaid (identi.ca/twitter/IRC)  \v'  gpg: AD0E0C41

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