Hi everyone,
Please find the notes from today's meeting below:



   iSCSI move in progress OVIRT-1490

      half the data volume moved

      Remaining VMs with large disks:

         Jenkins (1.3 TB across 3 disks)

         Resources (1 TB across 3 disks)

         Mirrors (500GB across 2 disks)

         HostedEngine (needs to stay on NFS)

   Jenkins full update applied

   OpenShift updated to latest 3.6 version

   Gerrit 2.14 upgrade planned OVIRT-1450

   Mirror injection seems to break puppet

Other topics:


   OpenShift online EOL in less than a month

   Only monitoring remains on Alterway. Can we move it somewhere else
   outside PHX? Need to ask community.

Action items:


   Remove everything except user management from puppet code

   Move the website to v3 as OpenShift Online is close to EOL

Evgheni Dereveanchin
Infra mailing list

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