Dne 13. 09. 23 v 20:39 Kevin Fenzi napsal(a):

i.e. vol-495d4a40 in ap-southeast-1

cannot be deleted, because is "in-use". And I can only "detach" or "force
detach", but there is no attached instances listed.

In this region are 3 instances: proxy38.fedoraproject.org,
proxy30.fedoraproject.org and mref1.apse1.stream.centos.org but none of them
list this volume as attached.

BTW, this volume is already snapshoted as snap-017a9145cd8099a06 so it can be 
safely deleted.

Does somebody ever experienced this kind of error? Any ideas?

If I get no suggestions by end of the week, I will try to detach it (not
sure from where), and if it fails (I kind of expect it) I will raise a
support ticket.
Yeah, I never have seen that before... very odd.

I would try the detach and support ticket.

I tried detach. It is working for hours. Canceled. Force detach. Has been 
working whole night. Nothing.

I found similar issue in KBase. No solution.


I cannot open support ticket because our plan is Basic and it does not allow 
opening support case. Any idea? David (cc)?

Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Manager, Packit and CPT, #brno, #fedora-buildsys
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