What: Rackspace will be performing an upgrade of OpenStack on the
private cloud that OpenDaylight uses for CI. An entire environment
shutdown will be needed due to the nature of the upgrade path

When: November 26, 2016 (2016-11-26) from 12:00 - 18:00 PT (2016-11-26
20:00 - 2016-11-27 01:00 UTC)

Why: We're still early enough in the Carbon cycle and there are
presently SRs that are scheduled right at that time that taking an
extended outage shouldn't be a problem. Since the private cloud is
presently running on the Kilo release of OpenStack it's time to start
getting it updated to newer versions.

Rackspace will be performing system level updates as well as upgrading
OpenStack from Kilo to Liberty. An upgrade from Liberty to Mitaka will
be scheduled at a later time

Impact: Since our private cloud environment is so small it is not
feasible to do a rolling cloud restart at this time. In particular,
since we have systems that use cinder storage and our current cinder
cluster is very small, we cannot do rolling upgrade / restarts on the
storage nodes which means that any instances that are using that storage
_must_ be turned off during the updates. Since the nodes that are the
most strongly impacted are Gerrit, Nexus and Jenkins we're taking the
advice of Rackspace and will be shutting down all CI services when
Rackspace gets to the phase of the updates requiring system reboots.

What the community will see during the window are some instability in
getting to Gerrit as the hot updates are being applied. Eventually all
services will be brought offline as the hardware gets rebooted. Jenkins
will be placed into maintenance / shutdown mode near the start of the
window so that any running jobs will have an opportunity to finish but
new ones will not start.

Notices will be sent to the mailing lists and to #opendaylight on
Freenode at the start and end of the maintenance.


Andrew J Grimberg
Systems Administrator
Release Engineering Team Lead
The Linux Foundation

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