> Oh no! Maybe that was what you meant all the time?...

No, that page with 1 link makes no sense.  Yes, I was thinking a direct 
link - the menu goes directly to that page.  I have not looked into whether 
that's possible (without changing the url), but it seems like it should be. 
Although, read on....

> - How about the more standard 'Documentation' or 'Docs and Literature'?
> But yes, that's essentially what I'd like most. It would collect things
> that belong together on one page, and make it quite clear what that page
> is about.

Yes, I like that!  (so putting it in the Learn menu can be forgotten, for 

> I'm only a little hesitant about renaming the page, because other people
> may have linked to it...  *If* we change the name, we should create a
> redirect (so old links will still lead to the page), and also be very
> certain about the new name, so we won't change it another time (and need
> another redirect).

Would we have to change the link/URL?  Isn't it possible to change the text 
of the menu, without changing the page name?  I thought I did that 
somewhere, a while ago.....  Yes, in the Learn menu, I changed "Videos" to 
"Video Tutorials".  I had approval on that in an e mail thread, although it 
was quite a while ago.  (I might not even still have that thread.)

Maybe for the long term, that's not a very good idea.  But if the next new 
website is coming up within.....let's say a year, maybe it wouldn't be so 

All best,

From: "Maren Hachmann" <ma...@goos-habermann.de>
Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2015 7:40 PM
To: "Brynn" <br...@frii.com>; "Inkscape-Docs" 
Cc: "Donna Benjamin" <do...@kattekrab.net>
Subject: Re: [Inkscape-docs] more prominent link to the key/mouse ref?

> Hi Brynn,
>>> I did not want to make this an extra menu item, because that menu item
>>> would then lead to a page with only a single link on it.
>>> This would not make too much sense, in my opinion.
>> I don't understand that.  Why does it matter if the Keys and Mouse
>> Reference only has 1 link on it?
> - Because we would make an extra menu entry for a page like this:
> http://staging.inkscape.org/en/keyboard-and-mouse-reference
> That menu entry would make the corresponding sub-menu longer, it creates
> an extra page which needs to be edited separately, and the resulting
> page is largely empty.  I think it's not worth all this 'extra', if we
> can find a home for that link somewhere else.
> Of course if we could directly include the reference on the page, then
> it would make a lot more sense...
> Oh no! Maybe that was what you meant all the time?...
>>> Why I would not want to put it on the main 'Learn' page is because I
>>> consider that page an overview of the sub-sections, which is supposed to
>>> help you find the right subsection.
>> The Learn page happens to be that, an overview with links leading to
>> the sub-pages.  But not all of the main menu pages are strictly an
>> overview. For example, the Community page has content of its own, that
>> does not have any sub-pages.  And there are sub-pages or sub-menu
>> items which are not previewed on the main Community page.
> - Right :)
>>> I do not like the duplication of links too much for maintenance reasons.
>> I don't understand what you mean about duplication of links.
> - The link would be on the Manual page *and* on the Learn page. That's
> two, because I'd want to keep it next to the manual in any case ;) (just
> as the tutorials are duplicates, and they are a pain to edit, when you
> need to find out their respective links for all those languages. Because
> of the plugin links, simple copy-paste doesn't work, either...)
>> I guess I would not mind it being on Books and Manuals page, if it was
>> re-named Books, Manuals, Reference, or something that indicates the
>> Keys reference might be there  And I see that the command line ref is
>> there too. I didn't realize that was there.  It must have been added
>> since the last time I looked at that page.
>> So if the menu item and page name indicates that references are there,
>> it gives visitors a clue.  If I were an Inkscape user who hasn't
>> figured out how to use the Help menu, I probably would not guess that
>> I could find the Keys ref on the Books page.
>> Books, Manuals and Refs is probably too long for the menu.  How about
>> just Manuals and Reference.  Because books about Inkscape really are
>> manuals anyway.  Or maybe "Manuals, Reference"?
> - How about the more standard 'Documentation' or 'Docs and Literature'?
> But yes, that's essentially what I'd like most. It would collect things
> that belong together on one page, and make it quite clear what that page
> is about.
> I'm only a little hesitant about renaming the page, because other people
> may have linked to it...  *If* we change the name, we should create a
> redirect (so old links will still lead to the page), and also be very
> certain about the new name, so we won't change it another time (and need
> another redirect).
> Probably Hinerangi or Martin may have some opinion about this, too, as
> it touches usability and naming preferences ;)
> Regards,
> Maren
>> Thanks for discussion  :-)
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Maren Hachmann" <ma...@goos-habermann.de>
>> Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2015 1:17 PM
>> To: "Donna Benjamin" <do...@kattekrab.net>; "Brynn" <br...@frii.com>
>> Cc: <inkscape-docs@lists.sourceforge.net>
>> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-docs] more prominent link to the key/mouse ref?
>>> Hi,
>>> okay, so let me explain why I thought it would be good if the link to
>>> the keyboard reference lived in 'Books and Manuals'.
>>> To me, a keyboard reference is something that should be part of the
>>> manual. It belongs into the 'documentation' section.
>>> We do not have a page called 'Documentation', but the thing which is
>>> nearest to this is 'Manual'.
>>> I would not want to delete it from that page again, because it (for
>>> me...) so clearly belongs there.
>>> I did not want to make this an extra menu item, because that menu item
>>> would then lead to a page with only a single link on it.
>>> This would not make too much sense, in my opinion.
>>> Why I would not want to put it on the main 'Learn' page is because I
>>> consider that page an overview of the sub-sections, which is supposed to
>>> help you find the right subsection.
>>> I do not like the duplication of links too much for maintenance reasons.
>>> We will have to exchange the link in several places for the next version
>>> and for (up to) 12 languages. That's the kind of work I would like to
>>> avoid - the links are version specific, unfortunately.
>>> If we add it in to the section overview page, too, someone needs to want
>>> to do all the exchange work. I have done this for one Inkscape version
>>> (almost) alone already, and I'd really be happy if it would be limited
>>> to the strictly necessary.
>>> If you still want to add it, we can do so, of course - majority vote ;)
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Maren
>>> Am 23.05.2015 um 19:21 schrieb Donna Benjamin:
>>>> I'd say it makes sense to reference the shortcuts from the learn page.
>>>> Via mobile.
>>>>> On 22 May 2015, at 4:12 am, Brynn <br...@frii.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Maren and all,
>>>>>        I think it's neither a book or a manual, so I have some concern
>>>>> about it being on that page.  The new FAQ item sounds great though!
>>>>>        I guess you must have a reason for not having it on the
>>>>> Learn page?
>>>>> I understand about not being in the menu.  I don't agree, but I
>>>>> understand.
>>>>> But to me, Learn page seems more appropriate.
>>>>>        Discuss?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> brynn
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>>> From: "Maren Hachmann" <ma...@goos-habermann.de>
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 4:49 PM
>>>>> To: <inkscape-docs@lists.sourceforge.net>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-docs] more prominent link to the key/mouse ref?
>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>>> I would link them from 'Books and Manuals' and from the FAQ
>>>>>>> ('Where can
>>>>>>> I find a list of keyboard commands?' or similar), I wouldn't
>>>>>>> create an
>>>>>>> extra menu item for this, and those are the pages where I would
>>>>>>> look for
>>>>>>> this kind of info.
>>>>>> I have just added the proposed links to those pages:
>>>>>> https://inkscape.org/en/learn/faq/#Where_to_find_a_list_of_all_keyboard_shortcuts
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> https://inkscape.org/en/learn/books/
>>>>>> Any improvement suggestions before I send this out to translators
>>>>>> (and
>>>>>> translate myself)?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Maren

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