Hi Friends,
        I was just looking at the About Screen Contest InkSpace page:


after Martin asked on the User list if people would test uploading on this 


        And I noticed the description on the first page, which is:

"When the Inkscape team and community is winding down development and 
preparing to release the next version we invite our artist users to help us 
make Inkscape stand out by drawing an About Screen. Our goal is to show off 
what the new version of Inkscape can do in an artistic manner. We don't have 
a particular theme, but it should be smart, attractive and show off the best 
you can do in Inkscape."

        I think the tone reinforces a separation between the user and 
development communities, so I suggested the following change.  However, I 
would also welcome others to tweak on it, since I'm sure it could be 
improved even further.
        (And of course I can't actually perform the edit, because I don't 
have the right kind of access for that.)

"Long time Inkscape users may have noticed that the About screen (Help menu 
 > About) is different for each major version of Inkscape.  Traditionally, 
when development is winding down, and just before each new version is 
released, the community celebrates by holding a contest to choose a new 
image for the About screen.  The goal is to show off what the new version 
can do, in an artistic manner, as well as to announce the release (with 
flair???).  Please see [link] for more information."

        So I eliminated any mentioning of separate communities, explained 
what the About screen is, and about the contest.  I dropped that part about 
the theme, because it seems to belong more in the instructions for the 
contest.  I don't actually know where the instructions are yet.  But if this 
is where they are supposed to be, then of course it needs a lot more 
editing!  And I added a link to the instructions or other additional info.

        Please tweak away  :-)

Thank you very much,

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