<URL: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=54825 >

On Fri Jan 21 06:41:28 2011, JAWNSY wrote:

> Reopening for a very quick question: have you considered using
> Test::Warn? It will ensure the warnings are emitted, while at the same
> time suppressing them from test output.

I guess it would be ok to suppress those taint-related warnings from 
the test suite output (if we can find a satisfactory way of doing 
that). One way would be to set the config option 'NO_UNTAINT_WARN => 
1;' in the test script.
However, I'd rather *not* do that in case someone uses that test script 
as a template, thereby running their scripts with 'NO_UNTAINT_WARN => 
1;', totally oblivious to the sorts of things that Inline is doing 
under the hood.

My attempts at using Test::Warn to detect and suppress the warnings 
have not yet worked:

use warnings;
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 1;

use Test::Warn;

use Inline Config =>
    UNTAINT => 1,
    DIRECTORY => '_Inline_test';

use Inline C => <<'END_OF_C_CODE';

int add(int x, int y) {
    return x + y;


warnings_are {add(3,4)} [];

The warnings are issued during Inline's build phase, before the 
warnings_are() test is run - so I get output of:

In Inline::env_untaint() : Blindly untainting tainted fields in %ENV.
In Inline::check_config_file(): Blindly untainting Inline configuration 
file information.
In Inline::env_untaint() : Blindly untainting tainted fields in %ENV.
In Inline::obj_untaint() : Blindly untainting tainted fields in Inline 
ok 1

I'll keep looking at this (as time permits) until I either find a way 
to make it work, or come to an understanding that it can't be made to 


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