In your previous mail you wrote:

>  What analysis is missing from draft-ietf-intarea-nat-reveal-analysis
>  to weigh the drawbacks of the 8 solutions.

=> there are two kinds of drawbacks: the technical drawbacks and the not
technical drawbacks, e.g., the impact on privacy... Note because if the
second kind I am strongly against the 3.3 (if not changed into a SHOULD
NOT :-) and I suggested to "NOT RECOMMEND" all proposals perhaps at
the exception of one (i.e., leave one proposal without any recommendation).


PS: IMHO only the not advertised port set makes sense, any other proposal
deployed in countries where privacy is protected (any place in European
Union for instance) should make the ISP to be sued...
PPS: we can postpone the discussion to Berlin meeting (privacy concerns
are pushed in Germany clearly behind the sillyness point :-).
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