Hola Folks!

I had a Matrix human/animal battery/power source, Borg hardwired/piped, hair brained idea to collect methane gases from cows per the attached excerpts from the URL below;


"Bovine flatulence plays a negligible role in global warming," is the prim assessment of researcher Benoit Leguet.

France's 20 million cows account for an astonishing 6.5 per cent of national greenhouse-gas emissions, according to his estimates.

Each year, their belches send 26 million tonnes of these gases into the atmosphere.

Their faeces - "dejection bovine," to use the poetic-sounding French phrase - account for another 12 million tonnes.

Compare that with the 12 million tonnes of gas emitted by French oil refineries, demonised by greenies as climate-killers.

Bovine gas comprises methane and nitrous oxide, which volume-for-volume are 21 and 310 times more effective at trapping solar heat respectively than boring CO2.
How about building a little compressor and storage tank with a tube implant to suck out methane gases from the stomach and intestines?

It would attach to the back and could be solar powered to accumulate methane until the tank was full at which time it was 'harvested' to a central tank or swapped out with an empty one.

Hey, its Halloween and Macabre is IN....ya know, it can get a LOT worse...<ROFL>...

              Jerry Decker - http://www.keelynet.com
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