After reading this I tried to find where I could purchase some of this 
material, but
was not successful.  Building and testing it is a bit of a problem if the
magetocaloric material is not easily obtainable.

Also is there ANY theory as to why it should do what is claimed to do. I cannot
figure out what the mechanism would be, although I am very familiar with the 
law of thermodynamics and Maxwell's Demon, having recently published an article 
on a
device which breaks the second law using the demon, but at very low power and


Jerry Decker - KN wrote:

> Hola Folks!
> On is a claim of a magetocaloric free energy device based
> on Maxwells Demon, interesting but I haven't seen that its been built to
> prove it.
> I'd never heard of this magnetocaloric thing until years ago when my
> friend Jack Veach in Irving, TX told me about the effect being used to
> cool satellites in space with swept magnetic fields through ceramic
> cores to essentially milk the heat from inside to outside.
> This article with a diagram is posted on the page until it
> cycles into the archive;
> 05/18/06 - DIY Maxwell's Demon Magnetocaloric Free Energy machine
> You can build your own free energy machine if you want. It is observable
> and measurable. No faith garbage. It is an example of atomic science
> manifesting at a macroscopic level.
> For your machine get two samples of magnetocaloric substance. One
> positive and one negative (one gets hot, one gets cold when exposed to
> magnetism). Put one in a box with a magnet.
> Make a hole in the side of the box. Repeat this for your other
> substance. Now with two sensitive digital thermometers one in each box.
> Join the boxes together so that the gas inside travels between the two.
> Sit and wait.
> What happens is that one box gets hot the other cold. Not in a big way
> but by 2-3 degrees. It will then stay that way.
> This setup is actually based on James Maxwell's thought experiment
> "Maxwell's daemon" Sadly he died before the magneto-caloric effect was
> found. Otherwise it would be a real world experiment. Any annoying
> skeptics bother you on free energy just tell them to run the experiment.
> Or if you want to really put them in there place say: "Just look through
> this telescope, Your Holiness." Skeptics remembering Galileo will
> understand.
> / Supporting information; Magnetocaloric Refridgeration - Magnetocaloric
> materials change temperature in response to an applied magnetic field.
> The field supplied by a superconducting magnet cools a piece of solid
> gadolinium, which in turn cools water flowing around it.
> Gadolinium has a magnetocaloric response twice that of iron, but Ames
> researchers Vitalij K. Pecharsky and Karl A. Gschneidner have found that
> alloys of gadolinium, silicon, and germanium show a response twice again
> as big.
> The magnetocaloric effect depends on the way a material's atomic spins
> align themselves. All materials store heat in the form of atomic
> vibrations. An applied magnetic field forces the atoms into alignment,
> reducing the system's heat capacity and causing it to expel energy,
> which the water carries away. When the field is removed, the atoms
> randomize again and can absorb energy from their surroundings, creating
> a cooling effect.
> Shull has modified a magnetocaloric material, gadolinium gallium garnet,
> by substituting iron for some of the gallium atoms. The addition of iron
> tripled the material's response to a magnetic field.
> --
>                             Jerry Decker -
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>                           Order out of Chaos - From an Art to a Science

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