
Right now I am using OpenCV (http://opencv.org/) to capture a video from 
a Webcam. I can't do that in Qt because this option is not yet 
implemented in Windows, so I had to look for alternatives.

I still would like to use Qt for the User Interface. How can I integrate 
the single Frames into Qt so that the Video is displayed in the Window? 
(combination of OpenCV for recording + Qt for the displaying).

Any ideas?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Santiago J. Barro-Torres

Embedded Software Engineering
Software Test Automation and Management
Santiago J. Barro-Torres
M. Sc. Software Engineering

Mob: +49.(0)15170195321
Fax: +49.(0)77713873

Hans-Thoma-Weg 8 Deutschland
71032 Böblingen

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