Just use the fill() function:  https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qbytearray.html#fill


-----Original Message-----
From: Interest [mailto:interest-boun...@qt-project.org] On Behalf Of Jason H
Sent: onsdag 18. september 2019 13:16
To: interest@qt-project.org
Subject: [External] [Interest] QByteArray vs QString, arg, why is there no 

Shiver me timbers! I often find myself using QString::arg() overloads for 
formatting, but nothing like that exists for when I'm working with just bytes, 
say for a socket or serial port. So I find myself constructing it as a QString 
and then .toLocal8bit() ,  which just seems wasteful.

What's the best way to zero-pad a QByteArray?
What I want is QByteArray("%1").arg(6, 10, 10, '0')

I'm guessing they is a good reason it hasn't been added yet?
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