I am having an issue trying to create a self contained app package on
Linux. Specifically I am using Mint 17.x for development and Qt 5.4.0
offline installer. I use CMake for my build system. I have no issues
debugging my application so that sanity check works from QtCreator.

I have created a folder where I have placed my application (DREAM3D), a
shell script (DREAM3D.sh) and qt.conf. I have also created a "lib"
directory and a "plugins" directory. In the plugins directory I have the
"platforms" directory that contains the libqxcb.so file. I have placed all
the qt libraries in the lib directory. I have exported the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
correctly. I have placed the following in the qt.conf:


When I start the app from the terminal i get the dreaded "

[mjackson@MintDev1:DREAM3D-5.2.967-Linux-x86_64]$ ./DREAM3D
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt
platform plugin "xcb".

Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

I have googled about as much as possible. Everyone seems to say the same
thing, to which I have followed the instructions and I _think_ I have
everything setup the way the articles/postings/blogs have instructed but
still nothing is working. Has anyone ever encountered this and what was the

Thanks for any help.

Mike Jackson
imikejackson _at_ gee-mail dot com
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