Some text in QTextEdit now seem to lose style when copypasted in an app
built with Qt-5.15.2
In the appli built with 5.11.1, there is not the issue.
I am copying from one read only QTextEdit to an other writable one.

When overloading QTextEdit to debug clipboard data
in createMimeDataFromSelection(), the resulting html has some differences.
Some <p> markups became <pre>, resulting in text in fixed width style
instead of the original text style.
Those changes are not from the original html printed in the QTextEdit

Original printed text contains <td>mycontent</td>
In createMimeDataFromSelection() with 5.11.1, text contains <td><p
In createMimeDataFromSelection() with 5.15.2, text contains <td><pre

The strange thing is that in the second writable QTextEdit, if i copy some
text to clipboard, <p> are added, not <pre>

Should i create a bug? Or any idea if an option of QTextEdit influences
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