Hi All,
Few weeks back I have checked in the configure.in and few m4 patches so
that NetWare cross compile goes through. I tested the same by checking
out a sources from php5_0 tree and ./buildconf and ./configure with
approproiate --host and --target switches.

When I do the same with whatever the ./configure script comes with
php-5.0.4 I get the error.

./configure --disable-all --enable-ftp --enable-session --enable-bcmath
--enable-calendar --enable-maintainer-zts --host i386-pc-netware
--target i386-pc-netware --build i686-pc-linux-gnu --program-suffix=nlm 
CFLAGS="-nostdinc -fpack-struct -DNETWARE
-I/usr/nwsdk/libc_api.2004.09.07/include/ -Xlinker --nlm-kernelspace
-Xlinker --nlm-screenname=PHP"
CFLAGS=-nostdinc -fpack-struct -DNETWARE
-I/usr/nwsdk/libc_api.2004.09.07/include/ -Xlinker --nlm-kernelspace
-Xlinker --nlm-screenname=PHP

Error message follows
configure: warning: CFLAGS=-nostdinc -fpack-struct -DNETWARE
-I/usr/nwsdk/libc_api.2004.09.07/include/ -Xlinker --nlm-kernelspace
-Xlinker --nlm-screenname=PHP: invalid host type
configure: warning: CC=/usr/cross-gcc/opt/cross/bin/i586-netware-gcc:
invalid host type
configure: error: can only configure for one host and one target at a

How the ./configure is built while doing the releases?
Even the ./buildconf --force on a released packages dis not help.

With regards
Kamesh Jayachandran

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