I'm not sure if this is the right list, because well, it isn't Internal to PHP and isn't it helping with PHP in any way. Regardless, I've been searching for many of hours and I would like an answer. (PS: There aren't very many people outside of this list who knows the answer to my question anyway.)

Anyway, I remember once upon a time a PHP extension which loaded PHP files within the PHP extension MINIT or RINIT function. I had thought it was SPL which did this, but I appear to be wrong. Searching for material on the subject only brings up generic PHP Extension writing.

I also believe I bought this up before on the mailing list and it was answered before. However, searching for my name doesn't bring up very many results (which may or may not be a good thing).

If anyone knows of a resource to include PHP files within an extension during MINIT or RINIT, then I would love to know how it is done or even if it can be done. If anyone remembers an extension which does this already, please can you let me know?

I thought that php_execute_script() might work, but from the Extending and Embedding PHP book, it is used within the context of Embedding and not Extending PHP.

Jacob Santos

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