On 11 July 2011 09:26, Pierre Joye <pierre....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Jan Schneider <j...@horde.org> wrote:
>> Try that for String and it reveals a different picture. Horde 3 used that
>> too FWIW.
>> Jan.
> Even the php5 versions of Horde? That's rather bad given the so strong
> and loud warnings we gave about using common names w/o namespace, by
> the time of the date problem.

Do we need a sort of out-reach program here? Something that will be
more active in announcing the various potential BC changes that are
going to happen in PHP?

Rather then just having the projects/leaders/developers pull from our
various sources, we (as in the PHP group) actively subscribe to THEIR

If this is feasible and supported, I think that any BC we introduce
needs to have support to give details on workarounds. In some cases,
this could be as simple as renaming a class/function/method/etc. In
other cases, more work dependent upon the actual project.

I would recommend only pushing of BC info. New
features/enhancements/etc. that are non-bc (from our perspective and
research), should not be pushed. This means that if I (as a third
party developer) get the call from PHP saying "We will be breaking
classes called string!" I really really need to do something about it.

It may be a pull list is fine/enough, but I guess we already have
these and yet modern projects are still not preparing themselves.

Richard Quadling
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