Hi everyone,

> Timm Friebe <p...@thekid.de> hat am 16. August 2014 um 18:09 geschrieben:
> two weeks ago, the RFC `Catchable "Call to a member function bar() on a
> non-object"` was accepted by a vote. I don't have commit access to
> php-src/Zend,
> so I can't commit this myself. Back from my summer vacation, I thought I'd
> whip
> up this email (after bringing the pull request up-to-date and making it
> mergeable once again) and ask whether someone here can review[1] and then
> merge
> the PR https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/647?
> Thanks in advance!

Any news on this? Is there anything left I need to do to get this merged? Should
I apply for Zend/ karma?


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