Le Tue, 19 May 2015 17:28:34 +0200, Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com> a écrit:

Hi internals!

For PHP 7 we soft-reserved a number of class names [1] like "numeric", so
that we have the ability to introduce them as typehints in a 7.x release.
"Soft" here means that we only document these names as being reserved and
don't throw an error when they're used.

I'd like to add "void" to this list, so we have the option to introduce a
void return type in PHP 7.x. I've seen some disagreement as to whether this should be called "void" or "null" - this discussion should be held when an
RFC comes up, however we need to keep both options open until then.
(Currently only "null" is reserved.)

If people think that this requires a vote, I'll open one.


[1] https://wiki.php.net/rfc/reserve_even_more_types_in_php_7


While I'm impatient to see "void" in the engine, we should follow the process rules. This is something that have to go through an RFC. If we implement it, even a soft reservation, without following the process, it opens the door to all kind of dangerous situations.

So while I like your idea, it shouldn't be implemented before 7.1


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