Hi all,

since my handle was included in the list compiled by Anthony, I figured
I'd reply to internals list as well. 

On So, 2015-03-15 at 10:19 -0400, Anthony Ferrara wrote:

> I ran some numbers on the current votes of the dual-mode vote right
> now. There were a number of voters that I didn't recognize.

You may not recognize my account but I sure hope you recall speaking to
me in person before. You even attended one of my talks at Confoo last

>  So I
> decided to pull some stats.
> The following voters never voted before the dual-mode RFC went up:

I cannot speak for anyone else, but I indeed didn't actively vote
before. I honestly though don't recall if me voting on this RFC was my
first vote or not. I also voted on other RFCs though.

> If we adjust the votes to remove these "never voted" accounts, it
> stands at 67:28. Which is 70.5%. Which is basically where the vote was
> prior to the competing RFC opening.

Since sounds awfully like 2nd class voting. And, would you ask for the
same if the situation would be reversed?

> I'm not saying that all of these are bad votes. Nor that they
> shouldn't be counted. 

Why would you calculate the "alternative" result then?

> I think it does raise a significant question
> around the voting practices.
> Something that I think we need to discuss as a group.

Again, I can't speak for others but only myself. I decided to vote on
this RFC as well as some others since I believe my experience and
expertise might qualify. I didn't (and don't) vote on anything where I
feel I don't fully oversee the consequences or can judge the impact.

And because I think the RFCs I voted on are important.

Quite often before, I discussed things with others - for instance with
Sebastian Bergmann -, who then posted the results of our thoughts on
internals or talked to others on IRC to get more feedback. Last that
happened with the idea of providing the "throwable" interface as an
addition to the engine exceptions and in favor of the "base exception"

Either way, I mostly only passively read on internals. I prefer talking
to people in person, or if there is no timely alternative on chat. 

For what it's worth: I do have a php.net account since 2001, mostly
working on the German translation of the docs. If that and my general
"visibility" in the community entitles me to add my vote here is
something others have to judge. I honestly can't say. 

But having my vote ignored (or at least considered questionable) because
it tends to sway the RFC results "in the wrong direction" feels really


Those who do not understand Unix 
      are condemned to reinvent it, poorly (Henry Spencer,1987)

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