[PHP-DEV] PHP 7.4.27 Released!

2021-12-17 Thread Derick Rethans
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP
7.4.27. This is a bug fix release, and the LAST active support release
of the PHP 7.4 series. From now on, only security releases will be
created for the PHP 7.4 branch.

All PHP 7.4 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.

For source downloads of PHP 7.4.27 please visit our downloads page.
Windows binaries can be found on the PHP for Windows site. The list of
changes is recorded in the ChangeLog.

A migration guide is available in the PHP Manual. Please consult it for the
detailed list of new features and backward incompatible changes.

Release Announcement: 
Windows downloads:
Migration guide:  

Many thanks to all the contributors and supporters!

Derick Rethans

P.S. Below is the verification information for the downloads, which is
also available on

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PGP signature:


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] User Defined Operator Overloads (v0.6)

2021-12-17 Thread Jordan LeDoux
On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 12:26 PM Matt Fonda  wrote:

> Thanks for the info. I share Stas's unease with having many different
> places we must look in order to understand what $foo * $bar actually
> executes. I'm also uneasy with the requirement of union typing in order for
> an operator to support multiple types. This will lead to implementations
> which are essentially many methods packed into one: one "method" for each
> type in the union, and potentially one "method" for each LHS vs. RHS. When
> combined, these two issues will make readability difficult. It will be
> difficult to know what $foo * $bar actually executes, and once we find it,
> the implementation may be messy.
> I agree that returning a union is a recipe for a problem, but the fact
> that the input parameter must be a union can imply that the return value
> must also be a union. For example, Num * Num may return Num, but Num *
> Vector3 may return Vector3, or Vector3 * Vector3 may represent dot product
> and return Num. But let's not get hung up on specific scenarios; it's a
> problem that exists in the general sense, and I believe that if PHP is to
> offer operator overloading, it should do so in a way that is type safe and
> unambiguous.
> Method overloading could address both issues (LHS always "owns" the
> implementation, and has a separate implementation for each type allowed on
> the RHS). But I see this as a non-starter because it would not allow scalar
> types on the LHS.
> It's difficult to think of a solution that addresses both of these issues
> without introducing more. One could imagine something like the following:
> register_operator(*, function (Foo $lhs, Bar $rhs): Foo { ...});
> register_operator(*, function (Bar $lhs, Foo $rhs): Foo { ...});
> register_operator(*, function (int $lhs, Foo $rhs): int { ...});
> But this just brings a new set of problems, including visibility issues
> (i.e. can't use private fields in the implementation), and the fact that
> this requires executing a function at runtime rather than being defined at
> compile time.
> I don't have any ideas that address all of these issues, but I do think
> they deserve further thought.

With respect, these are not things that were overlooked. Method overloads
is something that I understand to be a complete non-starter within PHP. I
do not want to speak for other people, but I have been told multiple times
by multiple people that this is a feature which there is significant
resistance to, to the point of being something which should be avoided.
Certainly, it is a separate feature from operator overloading, and
shouldn't be included as part of this RFC.

As you noted, all of the alternatives have multiple *other* issues. I
considered many different ways to implement this, and I decided that this
particular way of doing it presented the fewest problems. The reason I made
that decision was that problems such as visibility issues would affect
nearly every implementation. But the issue of non-sibling type resolution
is something which would only affect a small subset of very complicated
programs in general. So I chose to confine the issues to the more complex
implementations, because these are likely also the ones where the developer
is more experienced or has more resources to solve the issues presented.

In general, unioning types should be seen as a "code smell" with this
feature in my personal opinion. If you start to see 4, 5, 6 different types
in your parameters, it should be a signal that you want to re-examine how
you are implementing them. I think it works well for this purpose, as many
developers already try to refactor code which has very complicated type
unions. Given that method overloads were off the table, and that the only
realistic way to provide for visibility concerns was to place the overloads
on classes, I see the requirement of union typing the operators as a guard
rail to help developers avoid implementations which are prone to error or
make the program excessively complex to understand.

If we created something instead that was a global register of type
combinations, such as those suggested by Mel, the implementations would
likely be all in one place (some kind of bootstrap or header file), but now
would be completely separated from the actual implementations.

I *did* consider all these issues quite extensively. I *think* that the
solution I'm presenting creates the smallest amount of issues for the
smallest set of users. In practice, the two most common usages for this
feature (in my estimation) are likely to be userland scalar object
implementations, and currency objects. Both of these are very
self-contained, and unlikely to want to interact with external objects. The
main applications that would be interested in doing that are complex
mathematical libraries (the kind of application that would fit your example
of Vector * Num). Such libraries are very likely to make subordinate calls
within the operator overloads, as th

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] User Defined Operator Overloads (v0.6)

2021-12-17 Thread Mel Dafert
Hello internals,

>register_operator(*, function (Foo $lhs, Bar $rhs): Foo { ...});
>register_operator(*, function (Bar $lhs, Foo $rhs): Foo { ...});
>register_operator(*, function (int $lhs, Foo $rhs): int { ...});
>But this just brings a new set of problems, including visibility issues
>(i.e. can't use private fields in the implementation), and the fact that
>this requires executing a function at runtime rather than being defined at
>compile time.

Since this is going deeply into magic land anyways, we could go another step 
and make this a builtin/"macro" that does happen at compile-time, but also can
impose additional restrictions on what is
allowed - namely, that the registered function must not be inlined but a static
method on one of the arguments.

For example: (syntax completely imaginary here but slightly inspired by rust):

register_operator!(+, lhs: Bar, rhs: Foo, ret: Bar, Bar::addFooBar);
register_operator!(+, lhs: Bar, rhs: Bar, ret: Bar, Bar::addBar);
register_operator!(+, lhs: int, rhs: Bar, ret: int, Bar::addBarInt);
register_operator!(+, lhs: Foo, rhs: int, ret: Foo, Foo::addFooInt, 
commutative: true);


class Bar {
public static addFooBar (Bar $bar, Foo $foo): Bar { }
// etc.

- Explicitly named methods that can be called/tested separately
- Slightly improved searchability - grepping "register_operator" will show all 
combinations inside a code base
- Cannot implement operators for arbitrary classes that one does not own - the 
must be from one of the operands
- Multiple distinct methods per operand/class without full method overloading
- No restrictions around having scalar types only as rhs

If I am not mistaken, the engine should also be able to typecheck the methods
to ensure that the types are correct, and additionally also be able to disallow
overlaps (eg. defining Foo+Bar commutitatively as well as Bar+Foo),
which should throw an error as soon as the second definition is encountered.

Disadvantage: This sounds like a lot of work to implement, and I am not sure
if the checks are even possible the way I'm imagining them (with classes being
loaded on demand, etc.).
Also, this syntax would definitely need work, I just wanted to point out that 
on the
drawing board, many of these design problems are solvable.

Whether they are worth the effort, and whether this is a good idea at all, is 
for others to decide.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] User Defined Operator Overloads (v0.6)

2021-12-17 Thread Matt Fonda
On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 10:37 AM Jordan LeDoux 

> On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 9:43 AM Matt Fonda  wrote:
>> Hi Jordan,
>> Thanks for the RFC. I have a couple questions:
>> Suppose I have classes Foo and Bar, and I want to support the following
>> operations:
>> - Foo * Bar (returns Foo)
>> - Bar * Foo (returns Foo)
>> If I understand correctly, there are three possible ways I could
>> implement this:
>> a) Implement the * operator in Foo, accepting a Foo|Bar, and use the
>> OperandPosition to determine if I am doing Foo * Bar or Bar * Foo and
>> implement the necessary logic accordingly.
>> b) Implement the * operator in Bar, accepting a Foo|Bar, and use the
>> OperandPosition to determine if I am doing Foo * Bar or Bar * Foo and
>> implement the necessary logic accordingly.
>> c) Implement the * operator in Foo, accepting a Bar (handles Foo * Bar
>> side); Implement the * operator in Bar, accepting a Foo (handles Bar * Foo
>> side)
>> Is this understanding correct? If so, which is the preferred approach and
>> why? If not, can you clarify the best way to accomplish this?
> You are correct in your understanding. All three of these would accomplish
> what you want, but would have varying levels of maintainability. Which you
> choose would depend on the specifics of the Foo and Bar class. For
> instance, if the Bar class was one that you didn't ever expect to use on
> its own with operators, only in combination with Foo, then it would make
> sense to use option 1. The inverse would be true if Bar was the only one
> you ever expected to use with operators on its own.
> The better way, in general, would be for Foo and Bar to extend a common
> class that implements the overload in the *same* way for both. In most
> circumstances, (but not all), if you have two different objects used with
> each other with operators, they should probably share a parent class or be
> instances of the same class. Like I said, this isn't always true, but for
> the majority of use cases I would expect it is.
>> Next, suppose I also want to support int * Foo (returns int). To do this,
>> I must implement * in Foo, which would look like one of the following
>> (depending on which approach above)
>> public operator *(Foo|int $other, OperandPos $pos): Foo|int { ... }
>> public operator *(Foo|Bar|int $other, OperandPos $pos): Foo|int { ... }
>> Now, suppose I have an operation like `42 * $foo`, which as described
>> above, should return int. It seems it is not possible to enforce this via
>> typing, is that correct? i.e. every time I use this, I am forced to do:
>> $result = 42 * $foo;
>> if (is_int($result)) {
>> // can't just assume it's an int because * returns Foo|int
>> }
> In general I would say that returning a union from an operator overload is
> a recipe for problems. I would either always return an int, or always
> return an instance of the calling class. Mostly, this is because any scalar
> can be easily represented with a class as well.
> Jordan

Hi Jordan,

Thanks for the info. I share Stas's unease with having many different
places we must look in order to understand what $foo * $bar actually
executes. I'm also uneasy with the requirement of union typing in order for
an operator to support multiple types. This will lead to implementations
which are essentially many methods packed into one: one "method" for each
type in the union, and potentially one "method" for each LHS vs. RHS. When
combined, these two issues will make readability difficult. It will be
difficult to know what $foo * $bar actually executes, and once we find it,
the implementation may be messy.

I agree that returning a union is a recipe for a problem, but the fact that
the input parameter must be a union can imply that the return value must
also be a union. For example, Num * Num may return Num, but Num * Vector3
may return Vector3, or Vector3 * Vector3 may represent dot product and
return Num. But let's not get hung up on specific scenarios; it's a problem
that exists in the general sense, and I believe that if PHP is to offer
operator overloading, it should do so in a way that is type safe and

Method overloading could address both issues (LHS always "owns" the
implementation, and has a separate implementation for each type allowed on
the RHS). But I see this as a non-starter because it would not allow scalar
types on the LHS.

It's difficult to think of a solution that addresses both of these issues
without introducing more. One could imagine something like the following:

register_operator(*, function (Foo $lhs, Bar $rhs): Foo { ...});
register_operator(*, function (Bar $lhs, Foo $rhs): Foo { ...});
register_operator(*, function (int $lhs, Foo $rhs): int { ...});

But this just brings a new set of problems, including visibility issues
(i.e. can't use private fields in the implementation), and the fact that
this requires executing a function at runtime rather than being defined at

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] User Defined Operator Overloads (v0.6)

2021-12-17 Thread Jordan LeDoux
On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 10:36 AM Stanislav Malyshev 

> And that's one of the reasons I feel so uneasy with this. When reading
> this code: $foo * $bar - how do I know which of the ways you took and
> where should I look for the code that is responsible for it? When I see
> $foo->times($bar) it's clear who's in charge and where I find the code.
> Terse code is nice but not at the expense of making it write-only.

I think that something on php.net that focuses on best practices and things
to watch out for could go a long way towards this. In general, when people
search for information on how to do something, if that information isn't in
the PHP manual, they'll end up getting a random answer from stackoverflow.
I'd definitely be willing to put in some work to help on such documentation.

I very much expect that this feature will result in community developed
standards, such as a PSR.


Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] User Defined Operator Overloads (v0.6)

2021-12-17 Thread Jordan LeDoux
On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 9:43 AM Matt Fonda  wrote:

> Hi Jordan,
> Thanks for the RFC. I have a couple questions:
> Suppose I have classes Foo and Bar, and I want to support the following
> operations:
> - Foo * Bar (returns Foo)
> - Bar * Foo (returns Foo)
> If I understand correctly, there are three possible ways I could implement
> this:
> a) Implement the * operator in Foo, accepting a Foo|Bar, and use the
> OperandPosition to determine if I am doing Foo * Bar or Bar * Foo and
> implement the necessary logic accordingly.
> b) Implement the * operator in Bar, accepting a Foo|Bar, and use the
> OperandPosition to determine if I am doing Foo * Bar or Bar * Foo and
> implement the necessary logic accordingly.
> c) Implement the * operator in Foo, accepting a Bar (handles Foo * Bar
> side); Implement the * operator in Bar, accepting a Foo (handles Bar * Foo
> side)
> Is this understanding correct? If so, which is the preferred approach and
> why? If not, can you clarify the best way to accomplish this?

You are correct in your understanding. All three of these would accomplish
what you want, but would have varying levels of maintainability. Which you
choose would depend on the specifics of the Foo and Bar class. For
instance, if the Bar class was one that you didn't ever expect to use on
its own with operators, only in combination with Foo, then it would make
sense to use option 1. The inverse would be true if Bar was the only one
you ever expected to use with operators on its own.

The better way, in general, would be for Foo and Bar to extend a common
class that implements the overload in the *same* way for both. In most
circumstances, (but not all), if you have two different objects used with
each other with operators, they should probably share a parent class or be
instances of the same class. Like I said, this isn't always true, but for
the majority of use cases I would expect it is.

> Next, suppose I also want to support int * Foo (returns int). To do this,
> I must implement * in Foo, which would look like one of the following
> (depending on which approach above)
> public operator *(Foo|int $other, OperandPos $pos): Foo|int { ... }
> public operator *(Foo|Bar|int $other, OperandPos $pos): Foo|int { ... }
> Now, suppose I have an operation like `42 * $foo`, which as described
> above, should return int. It seems it is not possible to enforce this via
> typing, is that correct? i.e. every time I use this, I am forced to do:
> $result = 42 * $foo;
> if (is_int($result)) {
> // can't just assume it's an int because * returns Foo|int
> }

In general I would say that returning a union from an operator overload is
a recipe for problems. I would either always return an int, or always
return an instance of the calling class. Mostly, this is because any scalar
can be easily represented with a class as well.


Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] User Defined Operator Overloads (v0.6)

2021-12-17 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


On 12/17/21 9:43 AM, Matt Fonda wrote:

Hi Jordan,

Thanks for the RFC. I have a couple questions:

Suppose I have classes Foo and Bar, and I want to support the following

- Foo * Bar (returns Foo)
- Bar * Foo (returns Foo)

If I understand correctly, there are three possible ways I could implement

And that's one of the reasons I feel so uneasy with this. When reading 
this code: $foo * $bar - how do I know which of the ways you took and 
where should I look for the code that is responsible for it? When I see 
$foo->times($bar) it's clear who's in charge and where I find the code. 
Terse code is nice but not at the expense of making it write-only.

Stas Malyshev

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] User Defined Operator Overloads (v0.6)

2021-12-17 Thread Matt Fonda
Hi Jordan,

Thanks for the RFC. I have a couple questions:

Suppose I have classes Foo and Bar, and I want to support the following

- Foo * Bar (returns Foo)
- Bar * Foo (returns Foo)

If I understand correctly, there are three possible ways I could implement

a) Implement the * operator in Foo, accepting a Foo|Bar, and use the
OperandPosition to determine if I am doing Foo * Bar or Bar * Foo and
implement the necessary logic accordingly.
b) Implement the * operator in Bar, accepting a Foo|Bar, and use the
OperandPosition to determine if I am doing Foo * Bar or Bar * Foo and
implement the necessary logic accordingly.
c) Implement the * operator in Foo, accepting a Bar (handles Foo * Bar
side); Implement the * operator in Bar, accepting a Foo (handles Bar * Foo

Is this understanding correct? If so, which is the preferred approach and
why? If not, can you clarify the best way to accomplish this?

Next, suppose I also want to support int * Foo (returns int). To do this, I
must implement * in Foo, which would look like one of the following
(depending on which approach above)

public operator *(Foo|int $other, OperandPos $pos): Foo|int { ... }
public operator *(Foo|Bar|int $other, OperandPos $pos): Foo|int { ... }

Now, suppose I have an operation like `42 * $foo`, which as described
above, should return int. It seems it is not possible to enforce this via
typing, is that correct? i.e. every time I use this, I am forced to do:

$result = 42 * $foo;
if (is_int($result)) {
// can't just assume it's an int because * returns Foo|int


[PHP-DEV] PHP 8.1.1 Released

2021-12-17 Thread Patrick ALLAERT
Hash: SHA512

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP
8.1.1. This is a bugfix release.

All PHP 8.1 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.

For source downloads of PHP 8.1.1 please visit our downloads page.
Windows binaries can be found on the PHP for Windows site.
The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog.

Release Announcement: https://php.net/releases/8_1_1
Downloads: https://php.net/downloads
Windows downloads: https://windows.php.net/download#php-8.1
Changelog: https://php.net/ChangeLog-8#8.1.1
Release Manifest:

Many thanks to all the contributors and supporters!

Patrick Allaert, Ben Ramsey & Joe Watkins

SHA256 hash:
PGP signature:


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- -Patrick
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PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: https://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DEV] Surveying interest regarding CMake

2021-12-17 Thread Kalle Sommer Nielsen

Den fre. 17. dec. 2021 kl. 01.09 skrev Horváth V. :
> Yes, gradually phasing the current build system out is the most
> pragmatic choice, although it will incur some extra maintenance cost for
> the time it's still in use, but it's better to do something sooner than
> later. This will also allow php-src to drop the Windows SDK altogether
> that was recently moved to the GH org, because Microsoft stopped
> maintenance.

I feel it is important to clarify something here. The Windows SDK is
still supported by Microsoft. The Binary SDK for PHP by Microsoft
which is the SDK that manages dependencies and provides cross MSVC
environment build scripts is no longer supported.

You can still build PHP on Windows without the Binary SDK but you will
have to manage the build depedencies in all their flavors manually
without this Binary SDK for PHP.

Kalle Sommer Nielsen

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: https://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DEV] Surveying interest regarding CMake

2021-12-17 Thread Horváth V .
This is way too early to decide this. This is a decision to be made 
when we're actually ready to try publishing it for regular 
consumption (not for the people developing it).

Sure. I wasn't expecting concrete answers, just letting people know that
this ought to be considered as well.

It may take us a few months to develop the cmake system, or it may 
take years, but hopefully not so many years that Ubuntu 20.04

becomes irrelevant.

That feels like a bit of an exaggeration to me. With nothing else taking
my time up, I'm confident I can do the initial work in a week or two.
Unless you mean the total transition, dropping the existing solution and
all that.

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: https://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DEV] Surveying interest regarding CMake

2021-12-17 Thread Levi Morrison via internals
On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 6:49 AM Horváth V.  wrote:
> One thing I forgot to ask is what minimum CMake version should php-src
> support in its build scripts? For reference, please take a look at
> repology.org for the packaging status of CMake across a lot of software
> distributions: https://repology.org/project/cmake/badges

This is way too early to decide this. This is a decision to be made
when we're actually ready to try publishing it for regular consumption
(not for the people developing it).

For the sake of just sticking a number in that place in the cmake file
for now, I recommend 3.16 as this is what is in Ubuntu 20.04. It may
take us a few months to develop the cmake system, or it may take
years, but hopefully not so many years that Ubuntu 20.04 becomes
irrelevant. Better to downgrade in the end if necessary.

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: https://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DEV] Surveying interest regarding CMake

2021-12-17 Thread James Titcumb
On Thu, 16 Dec 2021, 17:53 Horváth V.,  wrote:

> I'm writing to you to find out what the reception here is regarding the
> idea of moving the PHP project to build using CMake.

I think this would be a great move overall.

Would the CMake build chain be backported? I'm assuming not, which means
extensions who support older PHP versions than the one that introduces
CMake will need to support autoconf for as long as they want to support
those older PHP versions, I think?

That isn't a deal breaker for me, but a guide on adding support for CMake
would definitely be appreciated and helpful for extension maintainers IMO.

But yes, overall great idea!


Re: [PHP-DEV] Surveying interest regarding CMake

2021-12-17 Thread Horváth V .

One thing I forgot to ask is what minimum CMake version should php-src
support in its build scripts? For reference, please take a look at
repology.org for the packaging status of CMake across a lot of software
distributions: https://repology.org/project/cmake/badges

Please note that the lower you go, the less convenience you will be
afforded and the more workarounds you will have to implement to have
that convenience.

Personally, I posit that targeting 3.8 would still allow vast majority
of people to depend on nothing but their system package manager, however
I must note that upgrading CMake is trivial and I recommend anyone
wanting to verify that to read Alex Reinking's blog post about this:

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