the topic clearly states what I would like to achieve. I know that parameter
can be forced to be passed by reference when declared but in my case
this is not an option (still). I would like to determine this at run time
based on some other conditions I have to check whether the param
is a reference or not (whether variable was passed or value (like "foo")).

I have found some documentation and examples that use
ParameterPassedByReference() function of ZE1. However Zeev
has removed it from the engine at Jul 30, 2001 (commit msg :
"More TSRMLS_FETCH work, and get rid of redundant ParametersPassedByRef").
I have tried with PZVAL_IS_REF(*str)  (zval **str), but no success - (*str)->is_ref is 
The old parameters parsing API is used : zend_get_parameters_ex()
I even tried to copy the removed function and it still does not give me the wanted 
        $a = "foobar";
In brief I want the the example to find out that the second call used a variable.

Thanks in advance,

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