Le 22/06/2021 à 14:45, Mike Schinkel a écrit :

    I think we are talking two different things here.  And I will
    admit I am probably the one that is not using exactly the right
    term.  I had envisioned something, and then Dan said "SQL Builder"
    I used that term.

    Let me clarify by giving what I am referring to a different name:
     A SQL Object Model with parser and sanitizer functionality.  One
    with a simple interface and one that would need not be tied to or
    limited by any specific dialect of SQL.

    To illustrate what I mean I created the following straw man
    example.  It assumes a hypothetical SqlObjectModel classes that
    needs to be instantiated with an objects that implement
    hypothetical `SqlDialectInterface` and `SqlSchemaInterface`
    instances passed to its constructor.  The former defines the rules
    for the MySql dialect, and the latter accesses the schema to
    validate data and data types.

    Some "dialects" and "validators" for very well-known and widely
    used database servers such as MySQL could be implemented in PHP
    core, while others could be implemented in userland (the database
    vendors would be good candidate to implement them, actually.)  I
    don't yet know what those interfaces should look like but I am
    pretty sure that could be figured out.

    So here is the example (I omitted error handling logic for brevity
    and clarity):

    $sql = <<<SQL
    c.id <http://c.id> AS company_id,
        COUNT(*) AS job_openings
    FROM companies c
        JOIN jobs_openings jo ON c.id <http://c.id>=jo.company_id
    WHERE 1=1
        AND city_name = 'Nantes'
        AND country_name='France'
        AND job_openings > {openings}

    $conn = mysqli_connect(...);
    $som = new SqlObjectModel(new MySqlDialect(), new MySqlSchema($conn));
    $som->set( "limit", $_GET['limit'] );
    $som->set( "openings", $_GET['openings'] );
    $result = mysqli_query( $conn, $som->sql() );

    The SQLObjectModel *could* potentially have additional features
    like the ability to get and set the table name, list of fields,
    joins, where clauses, etc. but the core value-add is not in
    building SQL but rather parsing and sanitizing with properly
    escaped and quoted arguments so that known-safe SQL could be

    Existing or new SQL builders could use this to take
    SqlObjectModel() and pass its generated SQL through to ensure
    their SQL they will output is safe, which by the way the string
    could now be tagged as "trusted" before the builder returns the
    SQL to its developer, assuming an is_trusted() RFC were to pass.

    Similarly, any ORM could ensure its SQL is fully sanitized and
    then pass on to whatever functions are needed to execute the SQL.

    So, absolutely nothing here would keep people from using "modern
    SQL," and/or cause people to lower the expectation to normalize
    SQL-92.  This could be a generic query parser and sanitizer that
    could be configured by the "dialect" and "schema" objects passed
    to it and its scope it small, simple and straightforward.

    I hope that clarifies what I was thinking?


Actually, it makes more sense.

It's even funnier if you consider it, it's more or less what I'm doing in my own SQL builder for find and replace placeholders, after the query builder actually built the query. I'm not replacing placeholders with values, but I'm replacing my own API arbitrary placeholders with those expected by the underlaying dialect or low-level API (I'm not naive enough to concatenate user strings in SQL, I'm leaving the hard escaping work to the server or lower-level db connector API using prepared queries when the low level driver doesn't handle it properly).

But that said, what you describe already intersects with most SQL builders own features, and since they all have very different architecture, I'm not sure this kind of helper would be that much beneficial. But that something that could make sense to be discussed.

In all cases, thanks for answering.




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