[PHP-DEV] [RFC] Debugging PDO Prepared Statement Emulation v2

2016-11-17 Thread Adam Baratz

Based on my second thoughts on my initial approach, I created an RFC to
supplant it:

I believe this better addresses the negative feedback from the original
RFC[1] and is a better solution to the problem.


[1] https://wiki.php.net/rfc/debugging_pdo_prepared_statement_emulation

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Debugging PDO Prepared Statement Emulation

2016-10-31 Thread Adam Baratz
> There's value in improving tests for emulated prepares, but as I stated
> somewhere else, I would rather see them deprecated and removed rather
> than encouraged.

I left a note about this in the "Future Scope" section[1]. If we deprecate
emulated prepares, it would make sense to deprecate
at the same time, since their utility is intertwined. But as long as
pdo_dblib is supported, the possibility of deprecating emulated prepares
shouldn't get in the way of being able to support it.

I thought about having PDOStatement::activeQueryString() trigger an error
and/or return false if emulated prepares aren't enabled. This would make
the usage clearer, but I thought it would be best to limit the side effects
of a debug tool.

Besides, I gather that FreeTDS also supports them since quite a long
> time, so I don't see why pdo_dblib should exclusively use and promote
> usage of emulated prepares.

FreeTDS supports them, but not through the DB-Library API. The other
APIs[2] implemented by FreeTDS support prepared statements.

[1] https://wiki.php.net/rfc/debugging_pdo_prepared_
[2] http://www.freetds.org/which_api.html

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Debugging PDO Prepared Statement Emulation

2016-10-31 Thread Matteo Beccati
Hi Adam,

On 17/10/2016 21:28, Adam Baratz wrote:
> Hi,
> I've created an RFC to make it easier to work with emulated prepared
> statements:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/debugging_pdo_prepared_statement_emulation
> Based on feedback from a previous thread[1], I added some context and added
> two other potential solutions to the problem. Please share your feedback.
> I'd like to hone in on one solution for the eventual vote.

There's value in improving tests for emulated prepares, but as I stated
somewhere else, I would rather see them deprecated and removed rather
than encouraged.

Besides, I gather that FreeTDS also supports them since quite a long
time, so I don't see why pdo_dblib should exclusively use and promote
usage of emulated prepares.

Matteo Beccati

Development & Consulting - http://www.beccati.com/

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[PHP-DEV] [RFC] Debugging PDO Prepared Statement Emulation

2016-10-17 Thread Adam Baratz

I've created an RFC to make it easier to work with emulated prepared

Based on feedback from a previous thread[1], I added some context and added
two other potential solutions to the problem. Please share your feedback.
I'd like to hone in on one solution for the eventual vote.


[1] http://marc.info/?l=php-internals=147638162506291=2