On Thu, Dec 01, 2016 at 01:33:53PM +0100, Libor M. wrote:
> Hello,
> I wonder how it is with the activity development extensions SSH2.
> The current SSH2 extension (version 0.13 and 1.0) does not work on PHP
> versions 5.6 and 7.0 because it contains bug
> https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=73524.
> The bug is fixed in git repository, but new bugfix version is not released.
> And another bug that only applies to PHP 7.0 (and possibly 7.1)
> https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=72988 is fixed in git repository. This
> is fixed me.
> Bugfix version not released.
> This extension is important for deploying applications on production servers.
> My questions:
> 1. When will be released new versions of SSH2 extension for PHP 5.6
> and 7.0 with this bugfixies ?
> 2. When will it be done fully support PHP 7.0 ? Source code contains
> many TODOs and
> on https://bugs.php.net/search.php?cmd=display&status=Open&package_name[]=ssh2
> is a lot of bug reports.
> Libor
> --
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langemeijer is very good maintainer, I would send him an email and ask
if he could upload a new release.

The TODOs all exist because the API around resources changed and I
couldn't find the equivalent (I didn't look that hard). I am no longer
am employed at a company that uses PHP so I don't find a lot of time to
work on it.

If anyone on the list is interested in getting involved SSH2 is a great
place to get started, and I am more than happy to help people 'onboard'
answering questions etc.. on IRC. But I doubt I will be able to find
time in the near future.


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