On Fri, 1 Oct 2004 16:12:50 +0200, Jordi Manchón <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> La UE considera el català un "reduït grup lingüístic" 
> La futura comissària de relacions institucionals i estratègia de
> comunicació, Margot Wallström, va qualificar ahir de "reduïts grups
> lingüístics" les llengües que, com el català, no són oficials a la Unió
> Europea. .....

Li vaig enviar un mail i aqui hi ha la resposta, com no podia ser és
politicament correcte i poc més, i mentre no hi hagi un estat que
parli català, per molts que el parlem, ja ens hi podem posar fulles.

Però bé, almenys l'ha hagut d'escriure que ja és molt :-)
(si voleu una traducció http://babel.altavista.com/ us la pot fer...
no és gaire bona, però )

Dear Sir,
Dear Madam,

This is to respond to your mail regarding my statements on linguistic
issues during the hearings in the European Parliament.

First of all, I would like to dispel any impression that I
underestimate the language problem.

I know very well how much language is linked to our identity. And this
is why linguistic issues trigger so many heated and sensitive debates
not only in Spain but in many other countries across Europe.

Of course, it would be ideal if we could all use our mother tongues on
all occasions, to do justice of our cultural richness and diversity.
However, we also know that in the global society we are living today,
as soon as people from various cultures meet this diversity can become
a barrier to communication.

Now I am writing to you in English, not in Swedish, and I know that
this will never amount to a perfect expression of my thoughts and
feelings. But I still hope to be able to reach you and to correct a
possible misinterpretation of what I said during the hearings.

In particular, I would like to make clear the following:

1) firstly, the question I answered in the Parliament did not
explicitly refer to the Catalan language, so my remarks cannot be
intended as being specific to that linguistic problem, of which I know
the historical background and the magnitude;

2) secondly, my statement that "Member States should find the best
solutions to deal with the issue of smaller linguistic groups" had no
reference at all with the absolute size of the group, but only with
the status of a language which is not the majority language within a
Member State and has not the status of an official language of the
European Union.  What I meant is that the rules to deal with
linguistic issues are decided unanimously by Member States and the
Commission must operate on the basis of those rules.

Having said that, I would like to underline that the Commission has
endeavoured to devote means and resources to disseminate public
information concerning the European institutions in Catalan and to
deal with correspondence in Catalan whenever possible. This effort
will continue and, I hope, will be strengthened in the years to come.

Kind regards,

Margot Wallström 
* Ermengol *
* Els ordinadors no resolen problemes,  *
* simplement executen solucions.          *

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