Podcasts permit a shift of listening time from a set appointment to virtually 
any convenient occasion.  I do it while “power walking” (most) every morning 
when weather permits.  Hence…Podding Along!

Some of the best radio comes from the public networks of the UK, Australia, 
Ireland, Canada, New Zealand and the U.S.  Apart from the originating program’s 
web site, most programs are made available through any number of other sources. 

This continuing series of small samplings in more or less 90 minute helpings 
are curated by me.  I attest to the fact that I have listened to every podcast 
listed here.  So admittedly these are thoroughly subjective recommendations.  
But my interests and tolerance for incompatible topics and views are pretty 
wide-ranging, even if I do say so myself. 

__ __

"How Rembrandt Changed the Meaning of Art”
IDEAS - CBC Radio One
The clever son of a prosperous miller from the provincial Dutch town of Leyden 
started to turn the art world upside down as soon as he arrived in Amsterdam in 
1631.  It's arguable that he started even before then, because in the portfolio 
of drawings he would have brought with him are some of his most startling 
self-portraits — sketches and etchings — showing him laughing, crying, angry, 
the entire gamut of emotions.  Something like the sketch above would have been 
a standard exercise for art students of the time, but Rembrandt turns a simple 
exercise into an art form of its own. We look into his eyes, and catch him 
looking back, 400 years later.  'Who do you think you are?' he seems to be 
asking us — a question we all ask ourselves. (54”)

"Disruptive tech alone won't revolutionize education, says author”
SPARK - CBC Radio One
"Move fast and break things.”  Those words, Facebook's company motto until 
2014, underlie the thinking in the tech sector and innovation generally: the 
idea that disruption—breaking down the old way with a newer, better way of 
doing things—is a universal driver in human progress.  But is this really the 
case?  When disruption happens, it often creates chaos. And the hope, in the 
tech sector at least, is that out of that chaos comes a new, better order. On 
closer examination, however, this doesn't always happen. (54”)

— — 

A monthly (well, mostly monthly) compendium of these newsletters, plus on 
occasion additional pertinent material, is now published in The CIDX Messenger, 
the monthly e-newsletter of the Canadian International DX Club (CIDX).  For 
further information, go to www.cidx.ca

John Figliozzi
Editor, "The Worldwide Listening Guide”
Current 184 page 9th EDITION available from Universal Radio 
[universal-radio.com], Amazon [amazon.com], Ham Radio Outlet [hamradio.com]

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