Podcasts are a great development in the history of radio because they permit a 
shift of listening time from a set appointment to virtually any convenient 
occasion.  I do it while “power walking” (most) every morning when weather and 
my own psyche permit.  Indeed, were it not for podcasts I doubt I would have 
found any other inspiration for putting in these miles as long as I have.

Hence…Podding Along!

Some of the best radio comes from the public networks of the UK, Australia, 
Ireland, Canada, New Zealand and the U.S.  While there are hundreds, perhaps 
thousands, of great podcasts from other sources, the ones sponsored via public 
radio have been vetted though the worthy objectives of the medium. 

Furthermore, I personally curate this continuing series of small samplings that 
are listed in more or less 90 minute helpings. Admittedly that makes these 
recommendations somewhat subjective.  But, as you will see, my interests are 
many and my tolerance for incompatible topics and views are pretty 
wide-ranging.  I hope you will find these suggestions helpful in enhancing your 
enjoyment of radio.

__ __

“Is Dumbness our Destiny?”
FUTURE TENSE - ABC RN (Radio National)
Most of us are healthier, wealthier and better educated than ever before. We 
have greater access to knowledge and expertise than any previous generation. 
So, why do humans keep doing stupid things? And why is the world awash with 
conspiracy? Have we already passed “peak intelligence”? And if so, what can we 
do to ensure a smarter future?  Guests: Dr Quassim Cassam – Professor of 
Philosophy, University of Warwick; Dr Mats Alvesson – Professor of Business 
Administration, Lund University; David Robson, author of 'The Intelligence 
Trap’; Sam Roggeveen – Director, International Security Program, Lowy Institute 

“How Digital Sleuths Changed Journalism”
Open-source investigators forensically analyse digital evidence - social media 
posts, eyewitness videos, satellite imagery - to find the truth behind news 
events. Their techniques are now increasingly used by investigative journalists 
to achieve big impact. An investigation by The New York Times into civilian 
deaths from air and drone strikes has resulted in a policy change by the US 
military. Also in the programme - in the west it's headlined as "the Ukraine 
crisis", but how is the situation being reported in Russian and Ukrainian 
media?  Guests: Alexa Koenig, Executive Director, Human Rights Center; Haley 
Willis, Visual Investigations Reporter, The New York Times; Benjamin Strick, 
Investigations Director, Centre for Information Resilience; Alison Killing, 
Winner of the 2021 Pulitzer Prize in International Reporting, and Francis 
Scarr, Senior Digital Journalist, BBC Monitoring in Moscow.  (28”)

"Jamie Raskin, Democrat Congressman, House Committe to Investigative January 
6th Attack”
HARDtalk - BBC World Service
Early last year American democracy came under attack from within. Supporters of 
defeated President Donald Trump stormed the US Capitol and provoked deadly 
violence. Stephen Sackur speaks to the Democrat Congressman Jamie Raskin, a key 
player in the subsequent impeachment of Trump and the Congressional 
investigation into the 6 January assault. All this, as Congressman Raskin has 
faced up to personal tragedy - what happens when the pillars of personal and 
political life come crashing down all at once. (23”)

— — 

A monthly (well, mostly monthly) compendium of these newsletters, plus on 
occasion additional pertinent material, is now published in The CIDX Messenger, 
the monthly e-newsletter of the Canadian International DX Club (CIDX).  For 
further information, go to www.cidx.ca

John Figliozzi
Editor, "The Worldwide Listening Guide”
NEW UPDATED 10th EDITION available NOW from universal-radio.com, amazon.com. 
W5YI.org, amazon.co.uk and amazon.com.au !
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