
Call for Papers

"The Politics of Misrecognition"
Interdisciplinary Conference
Centre for Ethnicity and Citizenship, University of Bristol
Bristol (UK)
22-23 January 2010


What is ‘misrecognition’ and why does it matter? This
conference aims to explore this question, and to consider
how the idea of misrecognition can help us understand the
interaction and political orientations of different
cultures, social movements and state policies.

For nearly twenty years now, a debate has raged over the
best way to respond to people’s desire to have their
cultural particularities recognized. A number of important
political theories of recognition have therefore emerged,
and these have invited a range of further critiques. These
debates have yielded significant theoretical insights into
the precise character and normative significance of the idea
of recognition.

Yet there have been less direct focus on its logical and
necessary opposite: misrecognition. How can it motivate
political struggle? Is it necessarily unjust? Does it
necessarily inflict psychic harm? And more broadly how might
misrecognition impact upon such things as citizenship,
intercultural dialogue and gender relations?

To address these themes we welcome papers from scholars
writing about misrecognition from a variety of disciplines,
including philosophy, political theory, sociology,
psychoanalysis, history, moral economy and criminology.

We also welcome papers reflecting on a wide range of types
of social, political and personal experience, and
investigating cleavages of nationality, religion, race,
gender, ethnicity, class identity, disability, and

Papers promising a mediation of theoretical and empirical
insights, bringing speculative analysis and lived experience
together, would be particularly welcome.

Keynote speaker:
Axel Honneth, University of Frankfurt (to be confirmed)

Wendy Martineau (University of Bristol)
Nasar Meer (University of Southampton)
Simon Thompson (University of the West of England)

Supported by:
the Economic and Social Research Council, the Political
Studies Association and the Department of Politics at
Bristol University.

Conference fee:
£50 for academics
£25 for postgraduates
(includes meals but not accommodation)

To propose a paper, please submit a 250 word abstract to
Simon Thompson by 11 September 2009.


Dr Simon Thompson
Department of Politics, Philosophy
and International Relations
University of the West of England
St Matthias Campus, Fishponds
Bristol, BS16 2JP
Tel: +44 (0)117 3282706
Email: simon.thomp...@uwe.ac.uk
Web: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/sociology/ethnicitycitizenship/events.html


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