

Type: SIP Online Lecture Series on Tianxia
Institution: Society for Intercultural Philosophy (SIP)
Location: Online
Date: September – December 2022


The Society for Intercultural Philosophy (Gesellschaft für
Interkulturelle Philosophie) invites to the next sessions of their
lecture series in intercultural philosophy issues.

The next four lectures will deal with the concept of Tianxia, which
Zhao Tingyang has recently proposed as a possible new world order
based on various strands of Chinese tradition as well as some ideas
from liberal political theory. Zhao Tingyang will first present his
ideas and then three speakers will critically comment on them. Please
note that due to the time difference, these lectures will all take
place at 2 pm CE(S)T.

22 September, 2 pm CEST = UTC+2:
Zhao Tingyang (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing):
“The maze of Tianxia – all-under-heaven”

20 October, 2 pm CEST = UTC+2:
Stephen Angle (Wesleyan university, Middletown, CT):
“The Limits of Tianxia”

17 November, 2 pm CET = UTC+1:
Georg Stenger (University of Vienna):

15 December, 2 pm CET = UTC+1:
Aurélie Névot (EHESS, Paris):
“From Tianxia to Tianxia-ism“


Tianxia is a central concept in classical Chinese philosophy.
Literally translated, it means "everything under heaven". Among other
aspects, it denotes the political ideal of a world order. ZHAO
Tingyang has taken up this aspect of tianxia in a book published in
2016 and since translated into numerous languages, with the aim of
"realistically presenting the idealistic concept of tianxia" to make
it interesting for the present. Zhao places particular emphasis on
the fact that tianxia is an integrative order that encompasses the
entire world and "knows no outside". Unlike the political philosophy
of the West, which in his view resorts to nation-state concepts and
must therefore always seek to balance different interests, tianxia is
able to ensure peace and security for all simply by starting from the
world. According to Zhao, the concept of tianxia emerged in the 11th
and 10th centuries before our time, driven primarily by the Duke of
Zhou. The philosophy of tianxia incorporates elements of Daoism,
Moism, Guan-zi, Confucius, and Xun-zi. Zhao complements them with
individual moments of liberal political philosophy.

In the four-lecture sequence of the SIP-lectures, the concept of
Tianxia and in particular Zhao's adaptation of this concept to modern
political philosophy will be appreciated and critically discussed.


Participation is free. You are kindly invited to join these lectures.

ZOOM-link for all four of these SIP-lectures:

Meeting-ID: 939 1020 4436
Code: 737347

For more information please visit our website:


Dr. Niels Weidtmann, President
Society for Intercultural Philosophy
Email: niels.weidtm...@cof.uni-tuebingen.de


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