
Call for Papers

"Contact Zones of Empires in Asia and Europe:
Complexity, Contingency, Causality"
Interdisciplinary Conference
European Science Foundation (ESF)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
School of Medicine, Kyushu University
Fukuoka (Japan)
27 February - 4 March 2010


This conference seeks new approaches to common topics concerning
social, cultural and political complexity on the fringes of empires
in Europe and East Asia, namely, the Hellenistic and Roman, and
successive Chinese empires. A special focus of the conference will be
on interactions between empires and their peripheries, and on contact
zones. The temporal coverage spans from the formative phase of the
earliest empires in the concerned regions up to A.D.1000. The purpose
of the conference is to seek new avenues for research collaboration
in cutting-edge research, which is why early career researchers are
particularly welcome.

The conference will bring together archaeologists and
anthropologists, philologists and linguists, art historians and
historians, specialists of material culture and religion, experts on
historical climate change and commercial exchange and many more.

An underlying, unifying feature of presentations, discussions and
follow-up will be the methodological challenges of interdisciplinary
research in the humanities, which is moving towards a global research

The late 20th century had witnessed increased sophistication in
theory and methodology when dealing with the emergence and
development of civilisations and empires and their relations with
surrounding communities. Whether in Europe or in East Asia, notably
in Japan, the study of symbiotic relationships between empires and
surrounding communities has been prominent. With the rich
archaeological and written record to be examined, many important case
studies have been produced. Data on various environmental factors has
increasingly informed our understanding of the forces underlying
trajectories of socio-cultural, economic and political development.
This conference aims at synthesising these strands of research,
aiming at a comprehensive reconstruction of the processes and causes
of the emergence and development of social complexity and
state-formation on the fringes of the empires, thereby setting the
research agenda for collaborative research for the future.

Topics will include:
1. Empires and their peripheries: interactions, interdependences and
2. Environment and food supply
3. Ethnic identities, language, population movements and social
4. Networks of interaction, production and exchange
5. Ritual, symbolism and cosmology
6. Empires and their contested peripheries in long-term and global

Closing Date for Applications: 5 November 2009.


Ms. Jean Kelly, Conference Officer
European Science Foundation (ESF)
ESF Conferences Unit
149 avenue Louise
Box 14
Tour Generali, 15th Floor
1050 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)25332020
Fax: +32 (0)25388486
Email: jke...@esf.org
Web: http://www.esf.org/conferences/10327


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