
Call for Papers

"Identity, Multiculturalism and Changing Societies:
Challenges for Social Psychology in and about Asia"
8th Biennial Conference
Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP)
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Dehli (India)
11-14 December 2009


The ever changing complexities of the modern world compel us
to confront anew those issues of identity and
multiculturalism that have long been at the centre of public
debates as well as academic discourses. Social scientists
today are faced with a plethora of issues that demand
re-analysis and comprehension at various levels- from the
individual, cultural groups to larger societies as a whole.
Such a gamut of constant and instant transformations in the
external world means that we all have to cope with multiple
psychological demands that seem to strain the resources of
‘childhood’. Consequently, fundamental redefinitions of the
self appear inevitable in contemporary times. Celebration of
difference, respect for pluralism, recognition of ethnic and
minority status and the avowal and redefinition of identity
are matters that every society is in its own way grappling
with today.

Its engagement with these concerns means that the arena of
Social Psychology is also faced with the exciting
possibilities of paradigmatic changes from within. The
discipline of Social Psychology must not only provide
answers but also today face the challenge of framing
questions in a manner that will enable a deeper
understanding of the factors that influence cultural
continuity and change. The present conference provides a
platform for professionals in the area - and in related
fields to share views and perspectives on dynamic new
research that is, paradoxically, shaped by the very factors
that they seek to investigate.

The Scientific Programme will consist of:
- Invited Keynote Addresses
- Symposia
- Oral Presentations
- Poster Presentations
- Pre-Conference Training Workshops
- Winter School for Social Psychology PhD students in Asia
- Panel Discussions

Abstracts submitted must be in English. Please note that no
simultaneous translation will be provided during the
conference. The length of each abstract must not be more
than 200 words. All abstracts must be submitted in MS Word

All accepted abstracts will be published in the Abstract
Book of the conference. Publication of each abstract is
conditional upon payment of the registration fee.

Poster presentations and oral presentations: 30th July 2009.
Notification of acceptance: 31st August 2009

For more information please visit the conference website:


Conference Secretariat
Purnima Singh
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas
New Delhi – 110016
Email: purnima...@hotmail.com
Web: http://web.iitd.ac.in/~caasp09/


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