
Call for Papers

"Intercultural Communication and Collaboration within and
across Sociolinguistic Environments"
15th International Conference on Cross-Cultural
International Association for Intercultural Communication
Studies (IAICS)
Japanese Association for Asian Englishes (JAFAE)
Kumamoto Gakuen University
Kumamoto (Japan)
18-20 September 2009


The continuing globalization of the world brings
ever-increasing opportunities to share knowledge and ideas
across sociolinguistic boundaries. This is not simply a
matter of the world becoming smaller or more alike - on the
contrary, recognition and respect of diversity have become
prerequisites in face of the need to understand and get
along with each other. Moreover, intercultural sensitivity
and accommodation are necessary for successful collaboration
towards exchange and resolution of global issues.

The importance of effective communication across different
environments has long been recognized; however, it is
becoming more apparent that the need for enhanced
communication skills to share ideas effectively even within
the same sociolinguistic environment is posing an ever
increasing challenge. This is at least partly due to the
relative decrease in face-to-face communication that has
become a dangerous side-effect of the bewildering increase
in methods of global communication and the speed of change
in the environment itself. The challenge of successful
cooperation not only across but also within sociolinguistic
and cultural boundaries, then, remains in the limelight

This year's conference aims to bring together experts in
cross-cultural communication studies with a focus on
recognition of the changing communicative environment in
which we live and work, with the hope that new ideas and
opportunities for collaboration will result. As an
interdisciplinary conference on human communication across
cultures, the suggested paper topics, therefore, cover a
wide range of communication related themes. The following
are potential paper topics.

- Approaches to intercultural communication study
- Business communication across cultures
- Communication accommodation
- Communication and globalization
- Communication education
- Computer mediated communication
- Conflict and negotiation
- Crisis management
- Cross-cultural adaptation
- Cultural and linguistic diversity
- Cultural identity and globalization
- Digital communication
- Ethnicity and communication
- Group or organizational communication across cultures
- Harmony and diversity
- Health communication across cultures
- Information technology and culture
- Interpersonal/intercultural communication
- Intercultural / global communication competence
- Language and cultural education
- Language and media
- Language and society
- Language attitude
- Language change and language stability
- Language policy
- Media and culture
- Media literacy
- Rhetoric studies
- Risk communication across cultures
- Theory of intercultural communication from different
- Research methodology in intercultural communication
- Translation theory
- Verbal and nonverbal communication across cultures
- Interpersonal communication across cultures

Guidelines for Submission

Categories: Abstracts and panel proposals may be submitted.

- Abstract, 150-200 words in English, including
affiliations, email addresses and mailing addresses for all
authors. See the sample format of the abstract below.

- Panel proposal reflecting the conference theme may be
submitted. All panel proposals should provide a 100-word
rationale and 150 word abstract of each panelist's paper,
mailing addresses and email addresses of all panelists.

Deadline: Please submit the abstracts and the complete panel
proposals online as an MS Word attachment by May 15, 2009.
Completed paper should be done by the time of the
conference. Authors will be informed at the conference where
to send the completed paper and when the deadline is for the
consideration of being published in one of the two issues of
the IAICS journal, Intercultural Communication Studies,
which will be devoted to conference papers. All submissions
will be carefully reviewed.

Conference language: English

Organizational website:


Yuko Takeshita
Toyo Eiwa University

Judy Yoneoka
Kumamoto Gakuen University

Email: iaics2...@kumagaku.ac.jp
Web: http://www.uri.edu/iaics/


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