
Call for Papers

"Postcolonialism and Islam"
Interdisciplinary Conference
Northern Association for Postcolonial Studies (NAPS)
Centre for Anglo-Arab and Muslim Writing, University of
University of Sunderland
Sunderland (UK)
16-17 April 2010


The Northern Association for Postcolonial Studies (NAPS) and
The Sunderland-Nizwa Centre for Anglo-Arab and Muslim
Writing are inviting abstracts and expressions of interest
for a conference to be held at the University of Sunderland,
UK, 16-17 April 2010.

Postcolonialism and Islam are two terms that frequently
appear in tandem, however, the relationship between the two
and the question of their compatibility has not been
extensively investigated. The speed and intensity of the
changes characteristic of late modernity under the pressures
of cultural and economic globalisation has traumatised
Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Hybrid identity formations,
very often provisional, are generated in the articulations
of difference marked by imaginary relations to faith,
nation, class, gender, sexuality and language.
Postcolonialism might seem to provide a framework for
approaching the experiences of not only formerly colonized
subjects but émigrés, exiles and expatriates and their host
societies. However, Muslim writers and intellectuals have
both adopted and rejected postcolonial theory as an
effective tool for analysing and accounting for the
experience of Muslims in the modern world.

This multidisciplinary conference will be relevant to
specialists in postcolonial theory, and cultural,
historical, political, sociological, literary, and religious
studies who seek to problematise both the terms themselves
and their juxtaposition. It will mainly focus on these six
main themes:

- Muslim identity and its connection to race, cultural
  politics, integration
- The experience of Muslim communities in Britain and
  elsewhere in the West particularly as representative
  site(s) of settlement, networking and diasporic mobility
- Terms such as multiculturalism, citizenship, secularism,
- The way in which Muslim culture(s) become(s) embedded in
  and thematised by Muslim and non-Muslim writers in English
  and other literatures in translation
- The connection between Muslim women and the activities of
  western orientalism
- The conditions and possibility of ‘Islamic’ feminism; its
  response to the way in which Muslim women have often been
  represented and theorised according to western, Christian
  and white feminist versions of female experience

Other related topics will also be considered. The intention
is to publish an edited volume based on the theme of the
conference to which a selection of participants will be
invited to contribute.

If you wish to attend please submit a proposal (maximum 300
words) to one of the following by October 30th, 2009:
Dr. Geoffrey Nash (geoff.n...@sunderland.ac.uk), or
Dr. Sarah Hackett (sarah.hacket...@sunderland.ac.uk)


Dr. Sarah Hackett,
Lecturer in European History
Faculty of Education and Society
University of Sunderland
Priestman Building
Green Terrace
Sunderland, SR1 3PZ
Phone: +44 191 515 3043
Email: sarah.hacket...@sunderland.ac.uk


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