Call for Papers

"Human rights, governance, democracy and the rule of law
in Africa"
African Journal of Legal Studies (AJLS)

The African Journal of Legal Studies (AJLS) invites
submissions of articles, notes, conference reports and book
reviews related to human rights, governance, democracy and
the rule of law in Africa. The focus of the AJLS is on the
interplay between law, public policy and social change in
Africa. Though manuscripts are published in four major
issues each quarter beginning in May 2004, to ensure timely
commentary on major legal developments with significant
implications for Africa, AJLS hopes to periodically publish
one or two shorter articles in a monthly supplement. Given
our flexible publication schedule, there are no deadlines
for the receipt of submissions. Authors are however
encouraged to send us their submissions as soon as possible,
allowing sufficient time for the internal and external
evaluations of manuscripts. The next issue of the journal
will appear at the end of August 2004.

For more information go to the website:

Chernor Jalloh
African Journal of Legal Studies
The Africa Law Institute
240 Sparks Street, Box 55062
Ottawa, Ont., K1P 1A1


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