From: Dr. Susan M. Glisson <>


First International Conference on Race:
Racial Reconciliation

Sponsored by the Institute for Racial Reconciliation at the
University of Mississippi

October 2-5, 2003
University of Mississippi Oxford, Mississippi

We seek presentations on racial reconciliation in any part
of the world. Some suggested themes are:
What are the meanings and methods of reconciliation?
What role does memory - and trauma- play in reconciliation?
How do communities, organizations, and institutions define
and pursue reconciliation?
What roles do individuals, families, religious groups, and schools play
in creating alternatives to conflict and promoting healing? What are the
practical applications of theory in local disputes? What are the tools
for raising awareness and advancing reconciliation? How do we appreciate
our differences rather than eliminating them - or is the point of
reconciliation to change the way we think about difference itself? What
does success look like?

We are particularly interested in presentations that
consider how local action-oriented initiatives resolve conflict.  We
welcome personal narratives, academic papers, activist projects, etc,
and all presentations must be accessible to a broad audience.

Deadline: May 15, 2003

Please mail, fax, or e-mail a one-page, single-spaced
proposal, along with a one-two page biographical statement

Dr. Susan M. Glisson
Institute for Racial Reconciliation
Barnard Observatory
University of Mississippi
POB 1848
University, MS 38677

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